QRPH Tech Minutes 2014-11-21

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  • Attendees
    • Michelle Williamson
    • John Stamm
    • Eric Larson
    • Gokce B. Laleci
    • Lauren Lemieux
    • John Eichwald
    • Vijay Shah
    • Terese Finitzo
    • Jim Jellison
    • Lara Tramontan
    • Lisa Nelson
    • Lori Fourquet
    • Sandy Jones
    • Didi Davis
    • Nichole Drye-Mayo


  • International Outreach Update - Michelle
    • Wait to hear back from John and Terese to report back on their efforts

  • EHDI-WD touch point – Lisa
    • Update PCC Vocabulary Registry and Data Dictionary on IHE.net (This is the wiki at http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCC_Vocabulary_Registry_and_Data_Dictionary, right. The domain committee should update)
    • Update QRPH Registry (The domain committee)
      • Gokce to own this.
    • Move document to QRPH on IHE.net (contact Mary Jungers) (After the document is republished with the changes, I will remove the version from PCC and add the new one to QRPH)
      • Gokce and Eric to own this
    • Gazelle Testing (contact Lynn copy Steve about this change)
      • Eric to contact Lynn and Steve
    • IHE wiki update the elevator speech (short summary) about the profile (The domain committee updates the wiki)
      • Nichole to own this.
    • IHE registry – search by profile or domain (This is part of Gazelle. You could start with Lynn)
      • Eric to contact Lynn and Steve.
    • Publish a new cover page and check the document for reference to PCC (The supplement should be updated by the domain committee and submitted for republication as an updated TI supplement. Please include this work item in the Milestone Dates wiki athttp://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=Domain_Milestone_Dates#2015_Cycle. This would also cover item 3 on the list.)

  • CP 0069 – RPE - Scott (defer to next call)

  • CP 0076 – SDC – Vijay (We can also discuss the recent email thread)
    • Vijay motion to approve CP 0076
    • Didi seconded the motion
    • For 12
    • Against 0
    • Abstentions 0
  • Next call
    • December 5, 2014, 10-11am CT