QRPH Tech Minutes 2012-04-13

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  • Hanming Tu
  • Wendy Scharber
  • Nitin Kunte
  • Eric Larson
  • Lisa Nelson
  • Michel Kapoko
  • Roy Hightower
  • Amit Popat
  • John Eichwald
  • Sarah Quaynor
  • Didi Davis
  • Nichole Drye-Mayo


  • CP QRPH GH update German extension2012 [1]
    • Georg Heidenreich
      • Georg submitted request for changes to PRPH-Ca
        • IHE Profile and implementation guide written by CDC; technical aspects of both should be in sync
        • Consolidate with other countries for profile
        • Proposal is that Germany (lead developers) take the lead on CP
        • Add CP to ftp site
        • Schedule calls to determine how to add changes - Wendy S. will be point person; send blast email to the group asking people to identify themselves as core group and schedule when convenient time for group
  • CRPC
    • Amit will reach out to Vassil to remind him this needs to be sent before f2f for review

  • NANI [2]
    • Nitin uploaded latest version 8 to ftp
      • Committee action: read NANI and provide feedback to Nitin by 4/18; will be at f2f until 5/3
      • Lisa will send list of questions to Nitin

  • SNOMED Codes
    • Need to pull together codes prior to April 30
    • Primary authors - list all SNOMED codes using in our value sets and put together full package requesting SNOMED for our use internationally
    • Send email table listing titles of supplements and people we think are primary authors
    • Send to primary authors only; copy committee; subject line - assignment for primary authors
    • Chris will send to group

  • Transaction guidance (add to f2f agenda)
    • Create a new transaction number - have joint time at f2f with ITI to discuss topic

Next Call

  • April 20, 10-11:30am CDT (send invite with additional 1/2 hour)
    • CP for EHCP
    • Lori Fourquet/John Eichwald
  • NANI
  • CRPC
  • Quality Whitepaper Update