QRPH Tech Minutes 2011-08-12

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  • Didi Davis
  • Amit Popat
  • Terese Finitzo
  • Wendy Scharber
  • John Eichwald
  • Ana Orlova
  • Roy Hightower
  • Nitin Kunte
  • Xidong Deng
  • La Shawn Edwards
  • Nichole Drye-Mayo


  • Make sure QRPH Domain Cmt. provide to Didi or edit in the Board document (link) updates for deployment activities, demonstration events and future plans for work in the domain.

Bullet points, not difficult. Needs a skeleton document on Tuesday to provide to DCC during call. Future plans should be one year.

  • Profiles: Editors/Authors have uploaded to ftp site the most current document and any accompanying documentation - year 5 technical committee Trial Implementation for Submission folder. Move older documents to the Profile in Progress folder.

2009-2010 White Paper (needs to be 2010-2011) (Ask Chris where this document resides)

  • 8/19 Agenda:
  • QRPH Domain Update Review
  • Committee will draft 1-2 slides for each profile