QRPH Planning Meeting Minutes: July 21, 2016

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  • Amit Popat
  • Laura Bright
  • Lori Fourquet
  • John Stamm
  • Lisa Nelson
  • Webex
    • Didi Davis
    • John Eichwald
    • Lara Tramontan
    • Terese Finitzo, Guest


  • Webinar preparations
    • HW look to see if occupational health is referenced. If so, Nichole and Andrea will pull that material out of 2015 slides and add to upcoming webinar. Send Lori the portion we pull from recording.
    • Nichole will look for Amit's overview of QRPH from 2015 and forward to him. 7/28 at 2pm CT to review w/him.
    • Lisa will pre-record EHDI on 7/25 @ 2pm CT
    • August 5 deadline for all recordings to be complete.
    • August 12 dry run during the regular QRPH weekly call. Laura B. will chair.
      • Outreach
        • Lisa will discuss w/the EHDI team
        • Revamp the webinar overview on ihe.net and edit. Will work w/Lisa on Monday.

  • QRPH Profiles
    • Send Lisa the link to Johns overview of EHDI family of profiles today (7/21)
      • Nichole schedule time with Lisa to review and finalize next week.

  • Updating the Wiki pages for the profiles (make them interesting and exciting)
    • Who would be willing to propose something that is slightly different than what we are currently using? Not visually appealing. Invite Andrea to participate in the 7/26 DCC call. Amit will propose a change.
    • Make sure all profiles are updated before 8/12.
    • Nichole will reach out to Vijay about SDC edits; VRDR will have minor edits; QME-EH, NANI and EHDI will need edits

  • Future Visioning for QRPH
    • Where do we see QRPH going in the upcoming years?
    • What problems can QRPH solve?
    • Where can we make the biggest impact?
    • How do we attract the right folks to QRPH?
    • What are our opportunities for International outreach?
      • Ideas
      • Look at combining PCC and QRPH; running groups in a way that committee deals w/process and IHE business w/more of report out of various projects; allow subgroups to work on specific profiles and work as a business unit together.
      • How do we refortify this group w/quality and more research members if we remain as QRPH committee?
      • Reach out to Patty Craig w/TJC
      • Reach out to AHIMA; Harry Rhoades
      • Learning health systems
      • CDC Cancer Registry; Wendy Blumenthal
      • AIP Asante
      • NCQA; Floyd Eisenberg (quality)
      • CMS;
      • Esurance, CIGNA, BCBS
      • Emergency Response (Crisis management)
        • Send info to key people at the above organizations
        • Card needed for Public Health Informatics Conference; education sessions and showcase; IHE logo, August 21-24; new profile proposals to be submitted in; program inserts, handouts, 200-500; work w/HIMSS marketing
        • Breaking barriers between QRPH
        • Breaking barriers between secondary data use.
        • Profiling standards for QRPH
        • Does HIMSS have any video from Pegasus Multimedia; anything around where filmed interoperability showcases and vignettes and implementers from our profiles? 30 second clips played in the background when people are waiting in the background. Nichole will reach out to Shelley to find materials to post to ihe.net, ihe you tube, twitter.
        • Duke, RFD for research; UCDavis, Death reporting profile;
      • IHE International needs to focus on marketing
        • ihe.net should cater to the customer and not volunteers; front page should be success stories and how do we solve your problems? Move the focus away from I and we to the customer you.
      • Customer success stories needed for IHE USA
        • Develop a communications plan for next 2 years
        • Arsenal IT wants to hold an educational session focused on public health; QRPH doing good job at making universal profiles
  • Board Report Timeline
    • August 26 call for Board Report Review
    • September 9 board report final review and vote
    • Didi is responsible for Board Report for this cycle
    • Nichole will create new document, update appropriate items and share with Didi
  • Upcoming Dates
    • Nichole will create calendar w/dates and share w/committee