Pharm Tech Minutes 2016.02.17

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  • Juergen Brandstaetter
  • Michael Tan
  • Leonidas Tzimis
  • José Costa Teixeira
  • Jacqueline Surugue
  • Marc Robberecht (webex)
  • Amanda Delaroque (webex)

9:30 - 12:30

Joint meeting with ITI, PCC, QRPH Meeting minutes here

13:30 - 14:30 Planning Committee review of strategy and vision (Juergen)

  • Joint ISO TC215, HL7 pharmacy, IHE Pharmacy meeting 6/6/2016

Michael reports the discussion with HL7 and ISO for an eventual joint meeting: People from NorthAmerica find it difficult to fund a travel to Europe for a joint meeting, and vice-versa.

    • Proposal to organize remote session on friday of the WGM.

Initial topics suggested for discussion:

  • If we have an Administration profile, we may need to define things like the GTS as was done in v3. How to define timings?
  • If all medication resources refer to a medication, how can we use ISO IDMP there?
    • This seems typically an IHE task - combining 2 standards

Michael will notify HL7 that we are taking this, and will take the lead to gather topics within IHE and ISO.

  • ISO is preparing a "dispense Record" standard (Jose will co-lead)
  • Related projects: Leonidas mentions a project, one of the topics for the next 4 years is the Medication Shortage. European Medicines Shortage Research Network. This is related to the Dispense record, and also to our "supply" work.
    • Leonidas will report so that IHE analyses the impact and synergies.

Vienna meeting

  • Confirmed for June 28, 29th
  • Juergen will notify IHE Pharmacy when he confirms the place and other noteworthy aspects.
  • Pharmacy visit is confirmed - possibly Viktor Hafner's pharmacy.

Vision document

Postponed for next F2F

Autumn Pharmacy F2F meeting (October)

Group will check options for venues -

  • Jacqueline and Leonidas will check if Dublin is a possibility. Will get back to the group by end of March.
  • Jacqueline will also check for London as a backup option
  • Juergen will check Munich as a potential candidate for a future meeting.

Note about the definitions (Administration)

Is "subject of care" the right term? suggestion to consider "Recipient of care". José will check with native English speakers to see if this is a good change.

14:30 - 15:30 Supply topics, Part 2

  • Pending Issues of White Paper Supply
    • GS1 collaboration - Aligned.
    • José will ask Esther CC Amanda for the following:
  1. Help in Section 6 of the White paper
  2. Help in defining the GS1 profile template so that IHE can recommend officially GS1 standards
  3. Implement - if really desired - the UBP transaction

16:00-17:00 Any other business

17:00 - Adjourn

Pharmacy Planning Committee