Pharm Tech Minutes 2014.08.06

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  • Participants
  • Jose Costa Teixeira
  • Stephen Chu
  • Simon Letellier
  • Leonidas Tzimis
  • Marc Robberecht

Approval of minutes

  • F2F Meeting in Porto
  • Day 1, Joint with ISO/HL7
  • Day 2
  • Day 3

  • WebEx TCon July 3rd

All reviewed and approved

CP ballots

  • Status Ballot #6
  • Ballot closed
  • All CPs approved with 100% votes!
  • Status Ballot #7
  • Ballot closed
  • Result: All CPs approved without comment.
  • Next steps: Working in CPs into profiles (due to Aug 8 latest!)
  • Action item: CMPD, PRE, DIS, PADV (Jürgen)
  • Status: Work almost completed, could be sent tomorrow
  • Action item: Common document (?)
  • Need to find a volunteer to work in asap!
  • CP to work in: CP-PHARM-072, Pharmacy Common Editorial Changes
  • Source of document to work in the changes in Change Tracking:
  • After worked in, send document to Jürgen for submission to IHE Publishing process

Co-Chair elections

  • Planning Co-Chairs (User/Vendor)
  • Present election result (Simon)
  • User: Leonias Tzimis
  • Vendor: Jürgen Brandstätter
CONGRATULATIONS to the new co-chairs !
  • Technical Co-Chair (Vendor)
  • Present election result (Simon)
  • Jose Costa Teixeira?

Terms of all elected co-chairs start at September 1st.

Schedule 2014/2015

  • Action item: Jürgen: Check with ITI/PCC/QRPH if and when they have a Joint Meeting in Europe in 2015
  • Outcome: ITI/PCC/QRPH have a joint meeting at February 23 – February 27th at the Asip Sante Offices in Paris.
  • approval of the dates and participation : Simon send mail to check with the whole Group
  • Open issues to discuss:
  • Need to approve to join the Joint meeting with ITI/PCC/QRPH at that date
  • If approved: Action item: Inform ITI/PCC/QRPH organization (Jürgen)
  • Confirm meeting in Ghent (Marc)
  • OK for the 2 days
  • approval of the dates and participation : Simon send mail to check with the whole Group
  • Status joint meeting with HL7 (Michael)
  • skipped : wait for Michael
  • Find a date and approval of Meeting in Crete in June (Leonidas)
  • Chania (direct flies with Ryanair)
  • Proposal June 18-19 and participation : Simon send mail to check with the whole Group
  • Proposal of second version of schedule for discussion in the call (leveraging the joint meeting):

ISO liaison

  • Invitation of ISO for Jose to be the IHE Pharmacy liaision to ISO WG6
  • Discussion

IHE Radiology cross-domain work

  • Possible cross-domain work (Jose)
  • Contrast management (ordering and inventory control). This would then link to our Cross-domain Supply work item
  • Contrast reporting (patient repositories). This would link to our Medication Data management, since it is a new source of "medication" data.

Jose : basic use cases prepared , will be sent to our Group and RAD Group

CAT EU status

  • Review Action item: Generate summary of CAT EU as preparation for future discussion about better involvement of vendors (Jürgen)
  • Not done yet
  • Postponed to next meeting

Work on work-items

  • Work on document "Medication Management: Related Concepts and Definitions" (Michael)
  • Extending_Pharmacy_Whitepaper_Admission/Discharge (Michael)
  • Query Dispatch and Aggregate (Vincent van Pelt)
  • Enterprise Distribution And Supply Of Items (Jose)
  • Updates to HMW (Jose)

Any other business

Simon : Finish the White Papers on Formularies and Hospital Medication Supply Chain

Jose : Work Item on the Medication Data Management ?

Next Meeting

  • First call of season 2014/2015: TCon at Oct 2, 2014, 14:00 - 15:30 (Paris time)

Pharmacy Technical Committee