Pharm Tech Minutes 2012.01.20

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  • Demarmels, Marco (Lake Griffin, LLC)
  • Géraud, Thierry (CareFusion)
  • Letellier, Simon (EAHP, secretary)
  • Peytchev, Vassil (Epic)
  • Robberecht, Marc (Agfa Healthcare)
  • Robertson, Scott M (Kaiser Permanente)
  • Sprenger, Michiel (Nictiz)
  • Surugue, Jacqueline (EAHP, co-chair IHE)
  • Tzimis, Leonidas (EAHP)


Using a new and dedicated WebEx service @ phastinternational . webex . com The WebEx customer support doesn't have activated the mode "hybrid sound", which gives the possibility of having a meeting room on the VoIP audio and the "legacy audio" present at the same time : no VoIP available for this teleconference.

Approval of minutes of TCon Dec 15, 2011

Season 2010/2012

  • Profile publishing status: All published by 2011-12-31
  • Year 2011 considered as closed.

Schedule for season 2011/2012


  • Eric Poiseau sends alarm about low pharmacy registration
  • What can we do to gain additional vendors?
This was discussed – unfortunately Eric Poiseau was not with us for this discussion.
A lack of communication was pointed (Pharmacy domain is still not mentioned on IHE Website) -
discrepancies between US and Europe (no pharmacy profile tested in CAT USA),
a lack of interest from vendors offering integrated solutions (which may be reversed once HMW will extend with the supply chain profiles),
developments not aligned with CAT tests for editors who focus at first on the requirements of their customers.
  • Further actions of communication were discussed below, see point Marketing USA.

Discussion on agenda for F2F meeting in Paris Feb 2-3, 2012

  • Day 1: 10:00 – 18:00
  • Day 2: 09:00 – 17:00
Meeting will take place in the premises of Phast, same conditions than last time.
Scheduled with soft arrival and departure times.
Agenda featuring the projects in process. No specific point to add was requested at this stage,
except election of the new Co chair end user which result will be known by that date.

Report on work items

  • Active
Medication Documentation (Marc)
at the last Tcon, some diversions of opinions on the scope were points of discussion -
the final decision being to concentrate on the use cases of the present version, next move to a new version with new use cases.
Use-case: Community – Hospital (Orlando)
Orlando could not join.
  • Incoming new
HMW Exceptional cases (Marc)
Last decision: Titles should be refined: this is in progress.
CMPD: XDW at CPM (Jürgen)
Last decision: Proposal editor shall provide a more detailed proposal
Jürgen could not join.
Refinement CMPD workflows (Jürgen)
Last decision: Proposal editor shall provide a more detailed proposal
Jürgen could not join.
Distribution and supply of items (Jose, Simon)
Last decision: Proposal editors shall provide more details about the use-cases targeted.
A specific Tcon aiming to align what to add to the White Paper was proposed. To follow up.
CMPD Exceptional cases (Jürgen)
Last decision: Proposal editor shall provide a more detailed proposal
Jürgen could not join.
Medication catalog (e.g. Formulary) (Jose, Simon)
Last decision: Proposal editors shall provide more details about the use-cases targeted
Improvements in HMW for scope and error-fixing (Jose, Marc)
Last decision: Jose/Marc will divide this proposal to figure out, what could be turned into CPs or what requires some extra work

Updates on other businesses to take care of:

  • Glossary work item (Marco)
The definitions in the sheet sent by Marco differ according to their authors and may not completely overlap the definitions from users.
Jacqueline is presently enquiring about pharmacy glossaries that could already exist in the profession on European and International level.
It is a huge work, it is a Babel Tower’s world! More to come…
  • Monitoring and Syncing with PCD: (Perfusion administration) (Vassil, Marc, Jürgen)
extension of mapping in progress. Vassil exchanged with Todd Cooper, PCD Cochair, on the management of the development of the White Paper and discussed the relevance of publicizing the work item proposal on the FTP: to be discussed at our forthcoming F2F meeting.
  • Marketing USA (Jürgen, Charles Parisot, Ana, Marco, Scott, Vassil)
marketing US should be emphasized with the pharmacy component, at events like HIMSS, through showcases and demos on pharmacy. Marketing plan to be discussed at our F2F meeting.

User co-chair election

  • Present Co chair end User Jacqueline Surugue stands for re election.
  • Election will start soon after the Tcon (Form sent to all the voting members)

and the results will be announced at the next F2f meeting.

The meeting ended at 13:23.