Pharm Tech Agenda 2014.03.20

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  • Participants
  • Review and Approve Agenda

Approval of minutes

  • F2F meeting

Schedule 2013/2014

  • Current schedule
  • F2F meeting in Porto (Joint with HL7 / ISO WG6)
  • Status of synchronization with HL7/ISO
  • Program planning

Incoming Proposals

Current CPs and Public Comment items

  • Pharmacy Medication List (PML) - Public Comment - Status

Work on work-items

  • Work on document "Medication Management: Related Concepts and Definitions" (Michael)
  • Extending_Pharmacy_Whitepaper_Admission/Discharge (Michael)
  • Query Dispatch and Aggregate (Michael)
  • Enterprise Distribution And Supply Of Items (Jose)
  • Updates to HMW (Jose)

Any other business

  • World Summit 2014
  • Location and date fixed: Chicago, September 11-13, 2014

Next Meeting

  • TCon April 24, 2014, 14:00 - 15:30 Paris time

Pharmacy Technical Committee