Pharm Tech Agenda 2012.06.28

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Approval of minutes of TCon Jun 19/20, 2012

Schedule 2012/2013

Vendor co-chair election

Approve CPs for ballot

  • CPs for Community Pharmacy
  • CP-PHARM-023v5: Make CMPD better readable (Jürgen)
  • CP-PHARM-030: Remove transaction ITI-41 from CPM
  • CP-PHARM-031: Relax optionality for PHARM-1
  • CP-PHARM-032: Remove inconsistency in the Content Profiles PRE and DIS in order to allow Split- or Conditional dosing

  • CPs for Hospital Pharmacy
  • Improvements in HMW for scope and error-fixing & HMW Exceptional cases (Marc)
  • CP-PHARM-024
  • CP-PHARM-026
  • CP-PHARM-027
  • CP-PHARM-028
  • CP-PHARM-025v2
  • CP-PHARM-029v2
  • CP-PHARM-033
  • CP-PHARM-034

Next TCon

Any other business