Pharm Tech Agenda 2011.11.10

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'Medication Documentation white paper' dedicated Tcon

Goals of this TCon

  • sharpen the goals of the whitepaper
  • find out whether we are working on a topic with practical value (cf. use cases)
  • if so, how to proceed / adapt to the tightened TC schedule
  • decide whether or not we submit a CP and in which IHE Domain (PCC or Pharmacy or ..)
  • have a message ready for the IHE Pharmacy TCon next week (Nov 17)

Current state (Marco, Ana)

  • Lead Jose -> Marco -> Jose?
  • Jürgen has informally declared it a CP already because of tight planning schedule
  • Look at the schedule

purpose of the WP (Marco, Tom)

  • Overview Jose ppt from Oct 3
  • do we have enough and compelling use cases (Tom: Contribution by HL7 Pharmacy WG)?
  • Marco's motivation to bring up the topic of a medication profile in this WP

How does the topic relate to PCC Medication Reconciliation / Query Existing Data? (Marco)

  • basic intention of PCC MedRecon
  • CDA content modules
  • are we talking about a new content module to PCC? "Broadening the scope of PCC MedRecon"?

Walk through the new Version (Ana)


  • Complete the WP and postpone any CP to the next cycle (if it is a Pharmacy CP at all)
  • Write a CP? if so, a CP for which domain?
  • If seen as an extension to PCC MedRecon, coordinate with PCC

Check: Have we reached our goals of this TCon?