PaLM Conf Minutes 2023-September-20

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Ralf Herzog Jim McNulty
Kevin Schap Riki Merrick
Megumi Kondo Francesca Frexia
Nidal Mahraz Ruben Fernandes
Alessandro Sulis Jason Lowder
Alain Perie Jan Schutrups
Jim Harrison Francesca Vanzo
Dan Rutz Filip Migom
Next PaLM Meeting: October 11, 2023

Agenda items:

  1. Next IHE PaLM F2F location / dates
    • Move to next call
    • Will resend the poll and to get a response by the 29th so we can make a call by October 11th call.
  2. XD-Lab CP from Alain Perie
    • New change requesting a statusCode" element in The Laboratory Battery Organizer exactly as it is in Laboratory Isolate Organizer
    • Send out the two CP's and their attachments for a vote in October to have back by November.
    • Add ‘active’ to the valueset for statusCode also for the battery organizer that makes sense
    • And observation, when battery organizer is not used
    • There is a difference between the pdf and the wiki publication also – we need to update the wiki to match the pdf!
      • Can we have some results in a battery pr isolate organizer that is aborted?
        • Answer should be no
    • CAP will send out the CPs for vote
  3. UDI topic
    • Marti was not on the call for a presentation on the topic; Riki to ask if she can join Oct 11 call
    • Marti has a presentation on October 2nd to SHIELD.
    • The LIDR workgroup is meeting to put together requirements for an IVD test metadata repository. Going to discuss how the creation of a UDI should be baked into the pathway for FDA IVD approval.
  4. Microsoft has DICOM cast and any other updates from DICOM WG26
    • DICOM looking to find an LIS vendor who can provide LIS support for a future connectathon
    • Recommendation to send out a question to the listserv
    • Testing DPIA profile at future IHE Connectathon – looking for LIS vendor who might be able to support this track (Clinisys has other priorities for AP)
  5. Publication dates for TF
    • CLSI wants to update AUTO-16 – they should update to the latest version of LAW – so the sooner we can publish that – need the list of CPs and the latest version of the word documents – Nov 10 – Riki to tell CLSI and Riki to tell Mary
    • Some domains are migrating all documentation to webform – is there a deadline?
      • Riki will check with Mary
      • When will next release of documentation come out? Alessandro is working on it once the new CP's are approved. Tentatively November 10th.
  6. DPIA and DPIA updates
    • Email from Ruben from 8/22:
      • HL7 example message to show where additives would go
      • Spreadsheet to show which data elements are in what field
    • Next week is Connectathon in Europe
      • Alessandro will try to find vendors to test DPIA
      • Talk with Anne-Gaelle to include the test cases into Gazelle for the NA Connectathon
      • Alessandro to see if there are any vendors interested in testing DPIA at the European connectathon
  7. DPIO Update
    • Raj not on call
    • Ruben did send out an example of a DPIO message to see if it could meet the requirements of a message from an LIS to a PACS.
      • Reviewed the example on the call
      • Ruben to share his spreadsheet
  8. Second hour proficiency profile
    • Jim has not had time for this activity since the last meeting.
    • Recommendation to keep it for 2nd hour in October