PaLM Conf Minutes 2023-May-03

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Raj Dash Jim McNulty
Kevin Schap Riki Merrick
Megumi Kondo Ralf Herzog
Dan Rutz Will Humphrey
Alessandro Sulis Ruben Fernandes
Jan Schutrups Jason Lowder
Mary Kennedy Francesca Frexia

NEXT IHE PaLM MEETING June 13-14, 2023

  • F2F Agenda
  • CR Follow up
    • OML^O33 and OML^O34 message definitions
      • add Container group pre-adopted from V2.9
      • add SAC structure pre-adopted from V2.9
      • Revote – since we changed the text a little – Mary will send this out
    • Related to the DPIA functionality to communicate all DICOM header related elements in DPIA transactions
  • DPIA test cases
    • Ratify Pathology data model and adjust how to align it with the DICOM data model
    • Add a comment to the pre-condition to remind folks to consider DICOM Supplement 122 for the information model – good topic for the meeting with DICOM WG26
      • What is important for pathologist to see in order to decide why they want to retrieve this study
    • Include the HL7 definition of the data element in background somewhere
    • Accession number = DICOM case identifier = SAC-2
      • Below that you would have the series and the image identifier
      • What is the slide identifier vs the image / scan identifier
        • Each slide has its own ID
      • Barcode on the slide has the slide ID – per lab convention this slide ID will include the case and container etc = SAC-3
      • We need to have the block ID, the slide ID and staining
      • Let’s take a fake case and map it all out
    • Case has 1 or more specimen, one or more blocks with one or more slides, which can have one or more images (series) – not sure we need to have the blocks represented in DICOM, unless a lab wants to have an image of every block
    • Current model used by Sectra:

IHE PaLM 5-3-2023 Image 1.png

    • All message types we leave at 2.5.1, but we pre-adopt some segments using 2.8.2 constructs
    • Forward the message structure and instructions to the Gazelle team and wait for their comments back
    • No vendors have subscribed for DPIA so far
      • How can we make more folks aware of the fact that we are having DPIA ready for next connectathon
      • Send to PaLM list and cc Anne Gaelle also – include link to the connectation registration and ask them to review the test cases – Kevin will forward to DICOM WG26