PaLM Conf Minutes 2023-February-08

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Raj Dash Jim McNulty
Kevin Schap Rob Rae
James Harrison Sam Spencer
Megumi Kondo Ralf Herzog
Dan Rutz Gianluca Pavan
Alessandro Sulis Filip Migom
JD Nolen Ruben Fernandes
Francesca Frexia Jason Lowder
Norman Zerba

Next Meeting is March 8, 2023

Agenda Discussion

  • Joint meeting with DICOM WG26
    • F2F meeting in Budapest - dates and draft agenda (
    • Kevin will confirm with DICOM that we will meet jointly on June 14th (pre-conference workshop day; several smaller rooms available as well as a larger room for a joint meeting per Norman on the 14th ONLY).
    • Could meet jointly with DICOM WG26 on the 14th
    • 2 rooms reserved ALL day/evening for IHE and DICOM including for a joint meeting. Norman proposes 3-6 pm European time for joint meeting to allow USA participation (3 pm European time is 8 am central time USA). Can go late on 14th. On 15th and 16th rooms will not be available.
    • IHE work could be done post conference on the 17th
      • Kevin to confirm with Norman
    • Draft Proposal
      • 10:00-15:00 – IHE PALM (recognizing this is too early for USA participants; but if we have critical mass at F2F can move some work efforts forward)
      • 15:00-18:00 – Joint meeting with DICOM
  • CP 268 update
  • DPIA Gazelle Testing (Connectathon test cases)
    • DPIA will be given priority and built out in Gazelle by Alessandro and Francesca
    • Riki forward Angel's email summarizing the profiles that IHE would like to promote for the next connectathon. Would like to find vendors to lead their testing.
    • Have two different profiles to define tests for at next connectathon.
      • DPIA - Should be higher priority since it was identified as a profile of interest. Francesca and Alessandro defined the first set of Gazelle tests for PaLM to review. Should be reviewed by the Gazelle committee next week before next PaLM meeting. Alessandro to forward Google Sheet to the group for review of the cu**rrent test cases.
      • Gazelle Test Cases for DPIA is found here:
      • Reviewed the DPIA Full Workflow tab and the responsibilities of actors involved in the tests
      • Radiology vendors interested in testing DPIA as well
      • Alessandro to begin writing the steps of the full workflow test and contact the rest of PaLM for review or support
      • Goal to have a final discussion in March, contact Angel, and have the test published in Gazelle
      • Kevin to forward to DICOM WG-26
  • SET
    • Not discussed
  • Connectathon
  • Digital Pathology Updates
    • Raj Dash to work on CP to address Ruben's concern about lack of transactions between order filler (LIS) and image manager/archive (PACS).
    • Ruben working on use cases for DPIO.
  • X e-Health
    • Did not discuss
  • Adjourned 10:05