PaLM Conf Minutes 2021-February-10

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Name Email
Francois Macary
Rikki Merrick
Alessandro Sulis
Dan Rutz
Kevin Schap
Francesca Vanzo
Filip Migom
Jim Harrison
Ralf Herzog
JD Nolen
Francesca Frexia
Nick Haarselhorst
Mary Kennedy
Gunter Haroske
Rajnish Bhatt
Alex Goel
Gregorio Canal Arsenal.IT
Gianluca Pavan Arsenal.IT
Will Humphrey

Next meeting: March 10, 2021

  1. Agenda was reviewed
  2. Election results
    • Alessandro is the new Technical Co-Chair
    • Riki retains her Planning Co-Chair position
    • Many thanks to Francois for his decades of service as Technical Co-Chair
  3. Next F2F meeting
    • Tentatively planned around May 31- June 2, 2021 in Belgium
    • We will decide in March if we should postpone the F2F for a few more months and depending on Filip’s schedule. However, Filip stated he will not be able to attend the March 10 PaLM call.
  4. SET update
    • If SAC belongs to the SPM, then do not use the SAC-3 element, as it is the same as SPM-2 element – Apply this to all message examples
    • At HL7 WGM, discussion around not providing SPM information IF the specimen collection failed; but it is hard to describe something that doesn’t exist
    • Specimen processing – with derived specimen
      • Aliquoted specimen:
        • Is in the same message with the parent specimen for the processing step, but after that it is handled as a new specimen
        • Use of the SGH/SGT for derived specimen works well
      • Pathology specimen
        • Need multiple SGH/SGT support
    • Question:
      • Would we ever have a specimen with multiple containers?
        • If collect 24-hour urine in 2 bottles:
          • Using the same SPM-ID on the containers
    • Next step:
      • All to review all other examples and provide feedback by next week COB Tuesday (2/16/2021)
      • Bring the Change Request to HL7 OO WG for introduction tomorrow at end of call and then bring back for vote a week later
  5. New proposal updates:
    • Telemedicine
    • Radiology and Pathology concordance work
      • Looking for consistent meeting time for weekly or biweekly calls – aiming for Wednesdays/Thursdays/Fridays in the morning ET
        • Have some vendors interested in those timeslots
      • Shared proposed timeline:
        • Set up calls by end of next week
        • Draft outline in IHE template by Early March
        • Prostate cancer checklist completed by end of Feb / March
        • Bring new actors to the DCC – aim for March or April
        • Profile to be submitted for Public Comment by July 23, 2021 (*adjusted from Aug 1, 2021 to allow for more PC time)
        • Profile to be submitted to PaLM for vote and publication for Trial Use September 20, 2021
      • Riki will update the publication timeline and notify Mary Jungers
  6. Approval of CP 266 (submitted by Ralf)
    • Add supplemental results to POCT testing similar to what we allow in LAW
    • Use links to sections in the LAW profile
    • Motion to approve this CP – Ralf Herzog, Francois Macary, no further discussion, against: 0, abstain: 1, in favor: 13. Motion passed.