PCD PC 2009-08-05 Webex

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Patient Care Device Domain

Meeting Purpose

Regularly scheduled meeting of the PCD Planning Committee

WebEx Information

Topic: PCD Committee Tcons

Date: Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York )

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

updated with selected information from July 22 as a placeholder

Please Add Your Suggestions

  • PIV/DEC Changes Proposals
  • IDCO move to TI
  • WAN alignment
  • Continua MoU extension
  • ICE/PIC Meeting
  • PCD report to IHE Board
  • Webinar (7-30-2009 link not yet posted)
  • Product validation and verification - PCD mission
  • Update on White Papers and Supplements:
  • ACM
  • DPI
  • Medical Equipment Management
  • PIV/Infusion Pump
  • RTM
  • IDCO
  • WCM
  • Connectathon/Showcase kick-off July 30th
  • PCD Showcase Planning with HIMSS to begin shortly
  • Review Action Items
  • New Business

Discussion Summary and Action Items from Previous Meetings

Updated With meeting of July 22 PCD PC 2009-07-22 Webex

See PCD Planning Committee Action Items page.

Decision meetings will have minutes that require approval. This may be accomplished by email ballot.


Chair: Steve Merritt
  • Jon Blasingame, Rita Brahmbhatt, Randy Carroll, Anupriyo Chakravarti, Todd Cooper, Al Engelbert, Robert Flanders, Colin FX Gartska, Christoff Gessner, Rich Hillman, Sarah Hopkins, Steven Large, Brad Lunde, Sandra Martinez, Steve Merritt, Gary Meyer, Monroe Pattillo, John Rhoads, Jeff Rinda, Paul Schluter, Ioana Singureanu, Greg Staudenmaier, John Zaleski, Khalid Zubaidi, Manny Furst


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


  • Accepted


2 Discussion Summary
- Chair
  • Summary of last meeting was accepted as posted


3 Action Items Review
- Chair

Action Items were deferred

  • 41: Monitor FDA actions on Universal Device ID -
  • 71: Recruit clinicians -
  • 72: Press releases as recruiting tool -
  • 74: Mapping PCD into v3 CDA -
  • 78: 2009 Survey Development -
  • 82: Users Guide -
  • 86: Contribute to, or develop a glossary -
  • 90: Monitor HITSP’s Work (also on TC list) -
  • 91: Develop New Brief Profile Proposals for Cycle 5 -
  • 92: Vendor Recruiting for Cycle 5 -
  • 93: Certification of Systems Claiming Conformance -



4 Profile and White Paper Updates
- Chair
  • Updates
Manny suggested that all profiles indicate that RTM is required with explanation of how to handle existing and future (not yet included) coding.
TF/DEC - No change.
ACM - Monroe indicated that the TI update will be discussed tomorrow. Ken noted that there may be waveform snippets accompanying alarm messages and this is also being addressed. It differs from regularly scheduled waveform communication.
DPI – Meets tomorrow. Goal is WP for distribution at the end of the month.
IDCO - IDCO release as TI is out for ballot. The WG is working on IEEE nomenclature.
MEM - The WP will be presented at next week’s TC and then will go to ballot for release as public comment.
PIV/Infusion Pump - Pump CPs were approved for release for ballot in the TC meeting earlier today. TI version 2 will follow the ballot.
RTM - CPs will be discussed in the WG then provided to the TC for release for ballot next week.
WCM - Meets today. There’s an issue of whether this is a separate profile or is integrated into DEC. If in DEC there’s a question of how to provide visibility to purchasers. This is similar to the RTM issue.

Semantic Architecture –
Regulatory Considerations -



5 Announcements
- Chair
  • Connectathon and Showcase
  • F2F
  • User Handbook –
  • Australia
  • HIMSS Asia_Pac -
  • ICE-PAC: Ken provided an update on a recent meeting about the ICE standard. Participants were largely academics sponsored by DOD or __ . Presentations were made by FDA, U of PA, U of IL Urbana Champagne, Kansas State, LiveData, Dick Moberg, and others. Tracy Rausch presented the gap analysis that PCD has participated in. Moberg Research is using 11073 in some fashion. On the second day Ken and John provided information on IHE, RTM. It appeared that many working in this area were not aware of the IHE efforts.
  • MOU with ICE – PAC -
  • Continua
- PCD/Continua collaboration ballot went only to IHE members; if a member didn’t receive it please contact a cochair.
  • PCD Report to Board has been delivered.
  • PCD webinar in the IHE webinar series last week. Ken asked how well this was publicized and where. Other than mention during a committee meeting no one was aware of the series.
  • Validation and Verification: These terms have been used, but not necessarily correctly in the context of the FDA, Connectathon and IHE. The PCD and IHE do not provide either. Validation is a well defined legal term and doesn’t apply to PCD’s work. Ken indicated that certification is the goal. Ken will develop a description of the various pieces and PCD’s goals and approaches. Todd will modify the PCD presentation slides to be more accurate by referring to conformance. Christoff mentioned an HL7 section on conformance (HL7 v 2.6).



Next Meeting

The next meeting will be August 19, 2009: PCD PC 2009-08-19 Webex.

<For Decision Meetings add review line here when minutes are approved; e.g., "(Reviewed & approved by PCD RTM Vent TG 2008-04-16)">

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