PCD PC&TC 2009-03-04 Webex

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Patient Care Device Domain

Meeting Purpose

Joint Planning and Technical Committee meeting

WebEx Information

Topic: PCD Committee Tcons

Date: Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York )

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

0 Review Discussion Summaries:
1 Connectathon Review
  • Results
  • Take Aways:
- Submit comments to Manny
- Change Proposals!
2 Showcase Planning
  • Updated Participation & Profiles
  • Work between the Connectathon & Showcase
  • Scenario Finalization
  • Scenarios
  • New Directions Wall
  • Schedule @ HIMSS '09
3 Update on White Papers & Profile Supplements:
  • Rosetta Update
  • DPI WP & Profile Update
  • ACM Open Issues / Extensions
  • PIV Open Issues / Extensions
  • RTM Open Issues / Extensions
  • WCM Profile Update
  • QBD Profile Update
  • MEM WP Update
  • Medical Device Semantic Architecture WP
  • Regulatory Considerations - Not active but...
4 IDC & Cardiology Domain Coordination
5 Spring F2F Planning (2009.05.04 - 8 @ NIST in Maryland)
6 HITSP Coordination
  • CMDC Use Case Report
  • RMON SDE#2 Report
7 ICE-PAC Update
8 HL7 v3 Support - Update
9 Encourage non-IHE members to membership
10 IHE International
  • Incorporation Update
  • MoU Updates: IEEE, CIMIT, ASTM, ...
11 Review Action Items
12 New Business

Discussion Summary and Action Items from Previous Meetings

The last PC meeting was Feb. 11, the last TC meeting was Feb. 18

Discussion Summaries from previous meetings are not reviewed unless a significant issue is raised. Decision meetings will have minutes that require approval. This may be accomplished by email ballot.


Chair: Todd Cooper
  • Jon Blasingame, Anupriyo Chakravarti, Todd Cooper, Bikram Day, Walter Dobbins, Al Engelbert, Robert Flanders, Ken Fuchs, John Garguilo, Christof Gessner, Jianguo Jiang, Roy Kerns, Gary Meyer, Steve Merritt, Monroe Pattillo, John Rhoads, Jeff Rinda, Paul Schluter, Manny Furst


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


  • No changes proposed.


2 Discussion Summary
- Chair
  • Significant issues, if any: No issues were raised about either the PC or TC meeting discussion summaries


3 Update on Profile and White Paper development
- Chair
  • DPI meeting tomorrow
  • MEM progressing well
  • ACM may develop a CP to clarify coding of multiple aspects of an alarm
  • ACM extension – the approach to AC actors will likely need a definition by ACM to define requirements for the variety of potential types of communicators. HITSP emergency communication effort should provide incentives for AC actors to participate. Monroe pointed out the no changes are required to phone systems, requirements will only apply to the gateway used to interface with the AM.
  • Todd pointed out that regulatory compliance is very much alive in HITSP yet PCD has placed a low priority on this effort. He noted that it may come alive this year.



4 Announcements and Action Items from PC or TC
- Chair
  • ICD and Cardiology: Their profile is nearly ready for distribution. If the Cardiology Domain is not ready to support this profile they may join the PCD.
  • HITSP: CDC was changed to Common Method for Device Connectivity (CMDC) to reduce confusion with the CDC. Weekly meetings, on Fridays, directly relate to RTM, DEC and DPI. Also included - making RMON more agnostic and emergency responder gaps.
  • RMON System Device Exchange (SDE) #2 has a target of June for resolution with Continua.
  • Incorporation of IHE - Will likely take place in Illinois. Issues include: IP for IHE International, other items. The Board will discuss a revised plan next week and will meet again at HIMSS09.
  • MOUs
- IEEE MOU: has been signed by IHE and sent to IEEE for signature
- CIMIT: a draft was developed by Ken and sent to CIMIT. Another MOU will be needed with ASTM for work Dr. Goldman is doing under that organization.
  • ICE-PAC: John Rhoads and Ken Fuchs provided an update. Recent efforts have focused on Tracy’s hazard analysis work, currently focused on a PCA pump. Jan Wittenber will provide another view on hazard analysis. This will lead to identification of profiles for PCD to pursue.
  • HL7 V3: There is quite a bit of interest in moving issues important to PCD within HL7.
  • F2F: John working on logistics, identifying hotels. There will be a parallel IDC meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday during PCD’s meeting. Manny will send reminder.
  • Enocurage non-IHE members to join: Manny requested tabling this item



5 Connectathon and Showcase Update
- Manny
  • Connectathon summary, lessons learned
- Need more detail on what each actor is doing, what are expectations, in testing
- Additional change proposals and clarifications indicated as a result of testing
- Will need to schedule ACM meeting to discuss issues and recommend CP
- One additional CP identified for PIV regarding how information is represented
  • Showcase summary
- Epic will not participate



Next Meeting

The next meetings will be

<For Decision Meetings add review line here when minutes are approved; e.g., "(Reviewed & approved by PCD RTM Vent TG 2008-04-16)">

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