PCD MEM 2012-07-23 Webex

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Patient Care Device Domain - Medical Equipment Management Working Group

Meeting Information

Date: Monday, July 23, 2012

Time: 4:00 pm

Duration: 60 minutes


Chair: Axel Wirth

John Rhoads, Dan Trainor, Andy Sargent, Ken Fuchs, Axel Wirth


Minutes IHE MEM weekly call on 7/23/12:

1.The two review and prioritization calls where successful, decent participation including several provider representatives. Although difference in call participants, the outcome was fairly consistent. The 7/12 call had some focus on standards and other related activities we can build on, whereas the 7/18 call was somewhat more focused on day-to-day provider pain points. Both calls were somewhat consistent in defining high-priority items around security, patch and configuration management, and asset discovery and management.
The 7/18 call also added some insight around management systems (CMMS, CMDB), and we were made aware of the different challenges based on organization size and complexity: large organizations are challenged due to complexity (large number of devices), whereas small organizations have less complexity but severe staffing shortages.
2. Axel also spoke off-line with Barbara Majchrowski at ECRI (technical issues prevented them to join) and that discussion as consistent: security, patching, version and change management (especially through product lifecycle issues, e.g. repair or loaners). Is there room for an IHE profile to automate technical testing / assessment?
3. Call with AAMI to look at touch points with their whitepaper project targeted for week of 7/30. This will require a few representatives from PCD as well as MEM.

Next Meeting

PCD MEM 2012-07-20 Webex Monday 1:00 pm

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