PCD Connectathon&Showcase 2014-02-18 Webex

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- Manny Furst, Paul Sherman, Monroe Patillo, Anne BurroughsGlen Cook, , Chris Courville, Paul Elletson, Kurt Elliason, Al Englebert,Bob Flanders, April Hjort, Raymond Kan, Jon Lachman, Jeff Moffatt, Vito Ocrain, Dalibor Pokrajec, John Rhoads, Paul Schluter, Dan Schmitt, Jonothan Walton,

HIMSS 14 Showcase:

Can use some volunteers to act as patients in the Showcase. Have four a couple had to drop out, and Antonio has other commitments.
Poll: need to respond to Doodle poll today regarding display input needs. Display will have switch with DVID inputs. You need a compatible output. VGA will need scan converter or video adaptor; Monroe suggests a USB converter. Let him or Manny know if you have questions. Resolution 1920x1080
Invitation to ACCE reception. Contact Manny or Paul Sherman if interested in attending.

AAMI: Will meet 6PM Sunday at HIMMS meeting tp prepare.

Next Connectathon and Showcase Meeting after HIMMS will cover lessons learned.

After that, AAMI and test preparation, we'll likely take some Tuesdays off.

Adjourned 2:20 EST.