PCD Connectathon&Showcase 2011-11-01 Webex

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PCD Connectathon & Showcase Meeting 2011-2012 Cycle, November 1, 2011

Action Items

You can find the Action Items at PCD-Connectathon&Showcase-ActionItemsCycle6-2011-2012


You can find the agenda at http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_Connectathon%26Showcase_WG_2011-12


Participants: Sam Carello, Bikram Day, Al Engelbert, Robert Flanders, Ken Fuchs, Michael Goulet, Gene Hageman, Ken Hoyme, Richard Hurst, Brad Lunde, Emilia Neto, Monroe Pattillo, Sameer Peesapati, Steve Swanson, Rob Wilder, Vaughan Zakian, Manny Furst


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Manny
No changes were made to the agenda. The agenda is available at http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_Connectathon%26Showcase_WG_2011-12#September.2C_2011_Meetings.
Discussion Summary from last meeting was reviewed and approved PCD Connectathon&Showcase 2011-10-11 Webex.



2 2012 N A Connectathon
- Manny


- Status of Tests:
o The NIST Test Tool Tutorial was recorded and the link is available in the previous meeting’s agenda and in the discussion summary. For those who haven’t used the tool (Instance Testing as available last year) there’s a link to the 2010 tutorial in the new tutorial.
o Pre-Connectathon Tests: Those that are ready are available on Gazelle. NIST tests for IPEC and WCM are not ready and will not appear in Gazelle at this time. There is an Index Wiki page http://ihewiki.wustl.edu/wiki/index.php/Index_to_Preconnectathon_Test_Software#Patient_Care_Devices with links to the Instance and Isolated tests. Note the difference in process – the new Isolated tests require saving the results. Both require posting to Gazelle. The review process has changed – participants will “self evaluate” and indicate they have passed. The logs are available to the project managers for review.
- Virtual Tests: These are to provide a higher level of confidence by testing against partners over the Internet or through workarounds if IT won’t provide a way through the firewall. These employ appropriate tests in Gazelle that are used at the Connectathon. At this time the tests are voluntary, and strongly encouraged. Time in Chicago is limited, not only for developers but to access test partners. Addressing potential issues in advance permits efficient use of the Connectathon time. Please wait for Manny to provide the tests in Gazelle.
o Connectathon Tests: Some have been posted; all have been reviewed by PCD WGs. Gazelle will become the single repository of the current tests, removing the potential for discrepancies with ftp posted tests.


No one has heard anything about developments.

HIMSS12 Showcase:

- PCD will participate in four Use Cases. One OR and one ER are included.
- Manny will distribute an Excel survey to learn what devices/systems will be demonstrated and their physical size. Other information is requested for electrical and networking. The question came up about monitor size, especially for complex displays. We have used 24” monitors in the past and Manny will inquire about using larger monitors. For the moment 24” to 36” is the desired range.



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