PCD Cochairs 2021-11-02 Zoom Meeting

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PCD Cochairs 2021-11-02 Zoom Meeting

Duration: 60 Minutes

Zoom Information


Proposed Agenda

1. Review & Approve Agenda
2. Review Previous Meeting Summary PCD Cochairs 2021-10-04 Zoom Meeting
3. Profiles and TF Updates
- Review public comments Link to Comments, No updates.
- And at ihe.net public comment domain page http://www.ihe.net/Public_Comment/#pcd, No updates.
4. Standards Coordination
5. IHE International
6. Review Agenda
- PCD TC 2021-11-03 Zoom Meeting
7. Calendar - Milestone_Dates IHE Milestones
8. Recruiting and Membership
9. Action Items - None currently open
10.  Additional Business
11.  Meeting Dates: Define Next Meeting Dates
- PCD TC - December 1, 2021
- PCD PC - December 8, 2021

Attachments / Materials

See PCD Cochair Action Items page. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Meeting Summary



TC Cochairs: Lisa Diggett, Tom Kowalczyk
Presiding Chair: Lisa Diggett
Attending: Tom Kowalczyk, Kurt Elliason, Rob Wilder
Guests: Monroe Pattillo, Paul Schluter
Technical Project Manager: John Rhoads


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair:



- No new Action Items
2 Review Meeting Summaries
- Chair:
Status/Discussion: Meeting notes reviewed



3 Agenda Items
- As Indicated


 3. Profiles and TF Updates
 4. Standards Coordination.
- Paul Schluter reported progress on Nomenclature for IEEE 11073-10101B. Also, the PHD group is considering adding support for compound metrics, potentially leading to a substantial divergence from the model used in DEC.
 5. IHE International
 6. Review Agenda:  
- PCD PC 2021-11-03 Zoom Meeting
 7. Calendar - IHE Milestones
 8. Recruiting and Membership
    No new information
 9. Action Items - None currently open
 10.  Additional Business
CP from Kurt Elliason
CP from Monroe Pattillo
add "List of Available Systems" to PCD TC Cochair Action list. Add Roster cleanup to DEV Cochair Action List
Consider combining Cochair, TC and PC action lists from all DEV programs with an added column to identify the owning committee. Reason is that there seem to be many too many action lists, diffusing and fragmenting the information too much. Defer decision until next DEV joint meeting to see if other programs think this is a good idea.
Consider in the DEV Meeting Archive 2021 the creation and maintenance of a DEV Calendar, as potentially more useful to us than the IHE-wide calendar which may be falling into disuse.
 11.  Meeting Dates: Define Next Meeting Dates
- TC November 03
- PC November 09

4 Other Business
- All



Next Meeting

The next Cochairs Meeting will be PCD Cochairs 2021-11-30 Zoom

The next Technical Committee Meeting will be PCD Cochairs 2021-12-01 Zoom


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