PCD Cochairs 2014-07-08 Webex

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Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1. Review & Approve Agenda
2. Review Previous Meeting Summary PCD_Cochairs_2014-06-24_Webex
3. Profiles and TF Updates
- Review public comments https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en&fromgroups#!forum/pcdcomments
- Educational Session(s)at HIMSS15
- IHE Webex educational Sessions
4. Standards Coordination
5. IHE International
IHE Columbia - WebEx meetings, consulting trips to Columbia
6. Review PC Agenda: PCD PC 2014-07-09 Webex
7. Calendar - Excel Patient Care Device
8. Recruiting and Membership
- Elections
9. Action Items
10. Meeting Dates: Define Next Meeting Dates
- PC, July 9
- Joint PC & TC, July 16
- TC July 23
11. Additional Business

Attachments / Materials

See PCD Cochair Action Items page. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Meeting Summary


Cochairs: John Garguilo, Monroe Pattillo, Greg Staudenmaier,
Technical Project Manager: Paul Sherman
Chair: Monroe Pattillo


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair:


Agenda Accepted


- No new Action Items
2 Review Meeting Summaries
- Chair:
Status/Discussion: Meeting notes reviewed: PCD_Cochairs_2014-06-24_Webex.



- No new Action Items
3 Agenda Items
- As Indicated
3. Profiles and TF Updates
- Review public comments https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en&fromgroups#!forum/pcdcomments
- Follow up with Mary on MEM submissions
- Educational Session(s)at HIMSS15
Haven't heard anything back yet.
- IHE Webex education session – Jeff willl follow-up
- Three ACM CPs went out today
- POI met Thursday, will need to pull some items out for Vols 1 and 2, and make it viable for volume 3.
4. Standards Coordination
- MEM DMC and 11073 mapping; no major comments, Paul Schluter suggested using Continua work. Monroe will likely use it; more OBX's but will be clearer.
5. IHE International
- IHE Columbia - WebEx meetings, consulting trips to Columbia
May be relying on us a bit much to come up with tests. They need to ID consumers, may need touse NIST as a peer.
6. Review PC Agenda: PCD PC 2014-07-09 Webex
7. Calendar - Excel Patient Care Device
8. Recruiting and Membership
- Elections
TC - No word from Al yet.
PC – Greg, will stay on as long as he can, but very challenging.
- Paul Sherman will contact ECRI for possible candidates (Ramya Kirsham?)
9. Action Items
10. Meeting Dates: Define Next Meeting Dates
- PC, July 9
- Joint PC & TC, July 16
- TC July 23
11. Additional BusinessDecisions/Issues:


4 Other Business
- All



Next Meeting

The next meeting will be July 15 PCD Cochairs 2014-07-15 Webex

Meeting Dates: Define Next Meeting Dates

- PC July 9 PCD PC 2014-07-09 Webex
- PC & TC July 16 PCD PC&TC 2014-07-16 Webex
- TC July 23 PCD TC 2014-07-23 Webex

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