PCD Cochairs 2011-09-20 Webex

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Patient Care Device Cochairs Weekly Meeting

Date: Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Time: 3:00 pm, Eastern Time

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1. Review & Approve Agenda
2. Review Previous Meeting Summary previous Discussion Summary from 2011.09.06.
3. DCC
4. AAMI Relationship
5. F2F Agenda http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_PC%26TC_2011-10-18_to_21_F2F
6. Profile and WP Updates
- Calendar https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?hl=en&key=0AkpIuejcpSerdElXU0RTWHlTWUNMRTU5OTNWSmZwSkE&hl=en&gid=0
- Posting the Brief Profile Proposals and preparing for the ballot
- Volume 3
- MEM Location Tracking
7. Connectathon and Showcase HIMSS12
8. Standards Coordination
- AAMI Infusion Pump Safety Efforts
- AAMI Alarm Safety Focus
9. IHE International
10. Recruiting
11. Action Items
12. Additional Business
13. Next Meeting

Attachments / Materials

See PCD Cochair Action Items page.

Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Meeting Summary


Cochairs: Ken Fuchs, John Garguilo, Steve Merritt, John Rhoads
Guest: Paul Schluter
Chair: Ken Fuchs
Technical Project Manager: Manny Furst


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair




2 Review Meeting Summaries
- Chair
No changes were requested.



3 Agenda Items
- Chair
3. DCC: Nothing to report.
4. AAMI Relationship: nothing to report. Will provide note about commercially available systems to them for publication.
5. F2F Agenda: Cochairs will begin developing the agenda.
6. Profile and WP Updates:
o PCD PC meeting tomorrow will begin review of proposals in advance of the ballot. Manny to change the following meeting from TC to PC meeting.
o DPI, ADQ will meet this week.
7. Connectathon and Showcase: John Donnelly has drafted Use Cases. Manny needs to identify liaisons for each so that John can obtain the information he needs when he needs it.
8. Standards Coordination:
o AAMI Alarm Conference: John Garguilo, Erin Sparnon will be there. GE, Mindray, Philips will be represented. Todd may attend.
o Announcements: HL7 meeting update: IDCO is an official standard. There was some discussion about a simplified HL7 v.3. There was a suggestion to use Restful rather than WS transport layer.


Action(s): Manny to note date of last Action Item review in the agenda.

4 Action Items
- All
83: Funding: Close.
91: High Level Architecture: Add to F2F agenda suggestions.
92: TF Revision: Close; will open a new one if needed as a reminder.
94: Managing Public Comments: John Rhoads is talking with Chris Carr and some changes have been implemented. Change due date to Open.



Next Meeting

The next meeting will be September 27, 2011 PCD Cochairs 2011-09-27 Webex

<For Decision Meetings, add review line here when minutes are approved; e.g., "(Reviewed & approved by PCD RTM Vent TG 2008-04-16)">

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