PCC TC Change Proposal Discussion May 24-2013

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Attendees: Laura Bright, Laura Heermann Langford, Keith Boone, Lisa Nelson, Anne Diamond, Nancy Ramirez

CP (number not assigned) Discussion has been to work on this in the harmonization workgroup. Concern to have this out sooner. Current plan to have it out to public comment in August. Advised for uses to look at internal references in Volume 2. This CP will be withdrawn. Marked as rejected.

CP 165 Discussed at F2F – items were in LDS then removed. They need the LDHP document that is not being created anymore – implementers are not able to implement them. Assigned to Lisa. It is done. Laura has it in her inbox. Will move it to completed. Will change the cardinality to [0..1]

CP 163 – Substantial progress on this one. Review and discussion of changes made. Work needed yet with HL7 team before completion. Keith will work with that team.

CP 144 Changes have been made. Moved to completed.

CP- 164 Should be done. On review found inconsistencies in how the edits were done with Vol 2 of TF, with headers etc. This CP will be edited to be just about the editorial changes.

Create a new CP to determine the strikethroughs of the Volume 2 of the TF make sense and are consistent.