PCCTech Minutes 2014 07 23

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CPs Reviewed

  • #175 updated and completed
  • #0122 Discussed, updated and completed
  • #191 Discussed, updated and completed

PCC Planning Roadmap and Domain Outreach

  • Discussion and ranking of planning items

DAF Update

  • Summary
    • 2 gaps currently open in PCC:#7 - No restful/FHIR in PCC; #6 - No population level queries in QED

The rest of the gaps are either closed or deferred (only 1 is deferred). Details for each gap have been recorded in the spreadsheet.

    • Decision to push the DAF white paper forward for publication

RECON Review

  • Profile updates and comments reviewed
    • Keith to provide changes to the actor options and groupings for the recon agent
    • Various comments approved. Emma to update profile and merge with Keith's changes.

Joint with ITI and PCC

  • See notes from ITI on the ftp site