PCCTech Minutes 2012 07 18

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Attendees: Laura Heermann Langford, Laura Bright, Anne Diamond, Vincent Van Pelt, Saccavini Claudio, Mauro Zanardini, Emma Jones, Denise Downing, Thom Kuhn, David Stumpf, Keith Boone, Tone Southerland

Call in Attendees: Valentina Ferrarini,

Tele Home Health Monitoring

  • Discussion of statuses and the concept of "failed". Currently requirements of failed is for that task to be completed. In out clinical use cases sometimes there is a need to continue the task regardless of the failure and need to got through more statuses. question if we need to establish a second task and link them, or if we can have some flexibility with the statuses. Decision postponed until after discussion with ITI this afternoon.
  • Reviewed additional text to the use case. Agreed that it is improving the document but needs a little more clinical detail added. Vincent will assist the team with clinical details.


  • Issue regarding clarity with "actors" resolved by removing the term "actors" from the document and inserting "participants" and "user".
  • Clinical story added to use case section. Some discussion to clarify the story and assure it aligns with the use case diagram.
  • Other changes to options and groupings reviewed and polished.
  • Discussion on security/policy content in the profile vs XDW profile and other technical framework areas held. Determined regereces will be made - but specific details avoided in the workflow profiles due to the large variation in security policies worldwide.

Tumor Board

  • Reviewed all changes made to date. Outstanding issues are to get the diagrams into UML form and to resolve the status issues discussed earlier. (Planned for joint meeting this afternoon).
  • Discussed scheduling. Plan to have profile ready to send to Mary by end of this week to have edits done. Will ask for Out of Cycle Public Comment Period during September. Have scheduled 2 t-cons for public comment review on the Tumor Board Workflow Profile before October 18. On 10/18/2012 will send to Mary for editing prior to release for Nov 1 opening of European Connectathon.

Prep for Joint Meeting today

  • Reviewed and clarified discussion items.

Request for Clinical Knowledge

  • Reviewed and clarified updated items since last review time block yesterday.

Work time

It came to the committee's attention we have made fast progress on completely profiles for the trial implementation. Work time is needed on all profiles. Team's split up into small groups to complete work.

Joint meeting with ITI and QRPH