PCCTech Minutes 2010 04 26

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Introductions & Overview

Onsite Attendees:

  • Tone Southerland
  • Mike McCoy
  • Laura Heermann
  • David Stumpf
  • Audrey Dickerson
  • Marcia Veenstra
  • Jean Millar
  • Keith Boone
  • Anne Diamond
  • Tina Groat
  • Lisa Nelson
  • Tom Kuhn

Call - in Attendees:

  • Mary Lewis - during Nursing e-Summary discussion
  • Jon Hilton - during PCCP discussion

Agenda Review

  • request to switch Tuesday morning e-Nursing summary with afternoon PPVS - will address that switch with the group at this afternoons meeting
  • Request to switch Wednesday afternoon PCCP with Tuesday ITI joint meeting - will address with the PCCP group this afternoon.

Overview of IHE

  • No new members present - Introductory Slide deck not presented at this time. Will revisit if needed.

Change Proposals

Here is a quick assessment of the state of incoming and assigned CPs:


  • CP-PCC-0042:
    • Cannot find the section referenced in the latest published version of IC - add to this section: 6.1.1.Y.4 Specification??
      • Authors and Informants is addressed because it is in the CDA-CDC Header for reference to medical document
      • Request for "comments" - needs to be researched to determine intent of request. Keith will reach out to CP submitter.
  • CP-PCC-0065:
    • Emailed submitter, waiting for response back on status
      • Not enough detail in the current CP
  • CP-PCC-0066:
    • I do not see any reason why we shouldn't review and move this to ballot
      • Suggest to not call it "Volume 0"
      • It needs work before completion.
      • Keith will scan through the content for all the boiler plate profiles and put it together with the transaction PCC 0. And likely do a content exchange profile supplement. Perhaps this information goes in the new Volume 1 profile template.
  • CP-PCC-0064:
    • Review and if still applicable incorporate into LDR rework this year
    • Cancel this CP making a note in the CP that it will be handled in republication
      • This is acutally bigger than thought. Assigned to Keith to complete work for CP.
  • CP-PCC-0081:
    • Need committee consensus to move forward to ballot
      • Tone will make clarificaiton on some of the references made and more clearly state what needs to be approved or changed. Will give an update on this CP at the ITI joint meeting.
  • CP-PCC-0082:
    • Review and understand exactly what the proposed change is
      • The Advance Directives needs to be added to the final text.
      • key issue is on the effective time. There are no restriants on the advance direction use of it. The simple observation does have restraints stated (which are not correct. Should be rewritten to say records the effective time when the oberservation was initiated." This should fixed in all profiles that use "simple observation".
      • Keith will work on this CP
  • CP-PCC-00xx - Content for Observation Request
    • Needs number assigned and move to completed
    • Tone will include the advance directive one with this one for completion.


  • CP-PCC-0036:
    • Need to verify committee consensus that no change is to be made
      • Will not change format codes for XDS-MS Profile because 1) there is a mechanism in place to query by document type without changing this format code.

  • CP-PCC-0059:
    • Need to answer the 11 issues outlined in the CP -any volunteers?
      • Currently assigned to Tone Southerland and Laura Bright. Plan to work on it this week and move forward as previously planned.
  • CP-PCC-0063:
    • Emailed submitter, waiting for response back on status
      • Request to have more detail in the proposed changes.
  • CP-PCC-0071:
    • The current proposal is to make changes only in APS but I believe they belong at a higher level in Medical Summary (or Medical Document)
      • Tone will investigate and specify what changes needs to be made where. He will also get CP into the correct template.

Nursing e-Summary

  • Presented by Audrey Dickerson
  • Reviewed survey results regarding data elements needed for nursing e-summary
    • Initial raw data available. Survey open until April 30th. Full data analysis after closure of survey.
  • Volume 1 is drafted.
  • Volume 2
    • Create spreadsheet
    • run spreadsheet through tool to get LOINC and SNOMED codes
    • document creation - Will work to have the spreadsheet done by next session for Nursing e-Summary. Next session will be a working meeting to start Volume 2 work.
    • Will determine at the end of next session if the deadline for having work done for May 10th deadline prior to posting for public comment is achievable.

Perinatal Workflow

  • Review of comments recieved from Public Comment
    • Sections are not consistent with the PCC v 1.3 Template used by this committee - Keith will fix
    • Content missing from APR Profile and LDR Profile (Section V specifically) - Keith and Tone will collaborate on the fix
    • Concerns around having Antepartum Education and Antepartum Lab as optional transactions/content. It is inconsistent withthe Labor and Delivery Summary (which does include the labs and education information)
    • discussion to continue at next session this week.

Patient Care Coordination Plan

  • Presented by Jon Hilton
    • Recommendations for changes discussed
    • Issue: Resources to complete needed changes and work on document are minimal.
      • Team encouraged to use track changes in the document currently posted on the ftp site and get back to Jon Hilton.