MarComm Teleconference 2008-11-20

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  • Chris Carr, RSNA
  • Harm-Jan Wessels, Forcare
  • Nichole Drye-Mayo, RSNA


1) IHE News Nov. 30 Message

  • Include news about EpSOS project:
  • 28 million Euro, 3 year program across 12 European countries
  • Goal is to develop system to exchange two kinds of data:
  • Emergency care data
  • Medication data
  • Basic Use Case: Someone is traveling abroad, has accident or needs meds
  • Project must address coding, translation issues (8 languages)
  • Connecting national networks that have different architectures
  • IHE Europe is an official "beneficiary" funded by EU
  • Role of IHE-E is Industry Team Coordinator: conduit for consortium of 30 companies in healthcare IT arena contributing to project
  • Develop specs
  • Design solutions
  • Provide components
  • Action Item: Chris Carr will develop a brief paragraph for Nov. 30 ihenews message

2) Development of other shared Marketing Materials

  • Available for use and adaptation by other groups
  • IHE-E MarComm developing FAQ document
  • IHE developing new set of Success Stories
  • Developing in various national languages with English translations

3) MarComm Strategic Issues

  • Profile browser: easier pathways for clinical users to find the material within IHE relevant to them
  • Product Registry: expand discussion of design; hire consultant from outside to help with design review; someone with background in marketing via Web
  • Website Redesign: IHE-E and IHE-USA sponsors will convene marketing experts with Web design resources and identify priorities for redesign; critical content for development

4) Next Tcon: Friday, Dec. 12, 9am CT

Marketing and Communications Committee