MarComm Cmte Teleconference Minutes 2014-11-05

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  • Chris Carr
  • John Donnelly
  • Nichole Drye-Mayo
  • Molly McNally
  • Nancy Ramirez


  • November News Blast Items: content request out; due by 11-10
  • North America Connectathon - registration up; exciting areas of expansion
  • Conference - event description is live on IHE USA Website and reg open
  • IHE USA/ONC Webinar on Federated HPD: announcement of pilots prior to Connectathon
  • Sarah Willis-Garcia to provide links to recorded Webinar
  • IHE Europe - opening of registration; include link to main page
  • Text from Lapo: "IHE Europe is delighted to announce that the city of Luxembourg will host the fifteenth annual Connectathon from 20th to 24th April 2015. Following hot on the heels of a successful Vienna, Austria Connectathon in April 2014, where the “test marathon” saw 70 plus companies testing over 100 systems with some 300 technicians, developers and marketers present, Luxembourg promises to be a very special venue for the five days of interoperability testing"
  • HL7 Webinar on role of IHE - link to Harry Solomon session - session on Nov. 19
  • Newsblast archive page on
  • Nichole will get training on how to update page to maintain links to old news blasts
  • Update IHE in the News section with references to IHE in trade press; come up with process for collecting items and maintaining
  • Initiatives to track and report on
  • Care eQuality; related to HealtheWay
  • John Donnelly will forward link
  • Marketing plan and annual development cycle
  • Review plan in December
    • Committee Page Update: In December Nichole will add co-chair names to domain pages on

  • Social Media
    • Items to tweet or post to Facebook:
      • Development milestones, Call for Proposals, Board and Committee leadership changes, new member organizations, establishment of new deployment committees, approval of Connectathon dates/locations
  • Action Item: Chris and Nichole to develop list of the kinds of items that should be shared on social media

  • Action Items
    • Make sure FB and Twitter are active and connected properly to the Mail Chimp account so newsletters are being sent thru these channels
    • List of categories of news items; guidelines of things we should be putting on social media
    • Action Item: Survey to get marketing contacts from member organizations and ask them about marketing resources and social media usage. Complete in December
    • Action Item: Revise committee page to reflect how to volunteer
      • Push this out in December '14

  • Next call: Dec. 10 @ 9:00am central due to RSNA 2014 Annual Meeting Conflict
    • Send reminder to group
    • Call for Volunteers Rollout

Marketing and Communications Committee