MarComm Cmte Teleconference Minutes 2013-08-07

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  • Lapo Bertini
  • Chris Carr
  • John Donnelly
  • La Shawn Edwards
  • Thom Kuhn
  • Chris Lindop
  • Joan McMillen
  • Nancy Ramirez
  • Celina Roth


  • Launch of website
  • New site is now live. Still many refinements and improvements to work through, including those submitted by IHE Intl Board and Domain Coordination Committee
  • MarComm members invited to review and submit comments using comment form
  • IHE USA's new partner program Partnering to advance HIT
  • Webinar Aug 15, 2013 9-10am central (Celina to provide overview)
  • Connectathon Marketing
  • Connectathon selling points shows the essential reasons to participate in the Connectathon. Will be used to derive marketing messages for this year's North American Connectathon.
  • Matrix showing Alignment of IHE profiles and major national/regional projects and certification programs - MarComm to review and add details where possible. Should focus on projects of greatest familiarity for vendors communities
  • IHE Europe Connectathon marketing effort is in the process of segmenting vendors into those who have never participated, those who participated in the past and those who participate regularly
  • Want to identify reasons for participation/non-participation and develop appropriate key message points; will review and respond to proposed points in selling points document
  • Will add relevant projects to matrix
  • Considering developing IHE app to consolidate marketing/social media information
  • Definition of Connectathon
  • Co-Chair Elections results
  • Make sure to copy on updated domain co-chair elections so IHE Intl can congratulate and thank new/outgoing chairs (already working on this for social media)
  • Ask Secretariats to make sure their wiki pages are updated with current co-chair information. (ie and any other places)
  • RSNA staff will update the respective domain email alias to reflect current information. This is critical to ensuring that all communications go to the appropriate people
  • IHE Marketing kit and marketing plan
  • Branding Materials are currently available on ftp site
  • RSNA marketing working on a guidelines document to describe use of branding materials
  • IHE Europe and vendor, Cento Cento also working on guidelines document
  • Action Item: Chris and Lapo will submit for discussion/harmonization on Sept. 4 call
  • IHE Europe also working on creating a Connectathon logo; Lapo will submit for review on Sept. call
  • Marketing Plan still in need of updates. Review areas of update needed on Sept. 4 tcon
  • IHE Newsletter
  • August items for release: Due Friday 8/9; test version sent 8/12; live message sent 8/15
  • Launch of Website; North American Connectathon Dates; European Connectathon Dates; Co-chair elections
  • Pre-publication review process: Chris and Nichole to send to reviewers and allow 48 hours to review test message
  • Reviewers: Celina, Thom Kuhn, John Donnelly, Lapo Bertini
  • Next Meeting: Sept. 4, 9-10am CT
  • Review branding guidelines documents

Marketing and Communications Committee