MarComm Cmte Teleconference Minutes 2012-12-12

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  • Chris Carr
  • Chris Lindop
  • Joan McMillen
  • Shelley Melanson
  • Eric Poiseau
  • Celina Roth


  • December IHE news Topics
  • IHE Europe Connectathon registration closing Jan. 15: Eric will provide paragraph with link
  • IHE NA Connectathon Conference - agenda and registration info: Celina will provide paragraph with link
  • Action Item: Chris and Nichole will assemble eblast and send out by Friday
  • Product Registry
  • Eric presented new features developed for the registry including a better layout of information, with thumbnail previews of statement documents
  • Committee suggested minor refinements to presentation: using company name and hiding file name in preview mode
  • MarComm support to encourage adoption:
  • Focused message to Connectathon participants promoting value of registry in driving customers to their sites
  • Eric showed current integration with Connectathon Database and some additional points of integration
  • System produces analytics that can be used by MarComm and Domain Coordination Committee to evaluate implementation of profiles and interest in marketplace
  • Action Item: Eric will distribute url. MarComm Committee to provide any additional comments
  • Action Item: Develop message for Connectathon participants and users directing them to the Registry
  • Marketing logo materials and Style Guide
  • Ensure that it includes .eps files as well as CMYK/PMS colors
  • Include deployment committees and domain committee logos
  • Shelley Melanson needs for pre-HIMSS production work
  • Investigate trademark application
  • Goal to have entire package for review on next call
  • Website relaunch
  • Website Spotlight section on redesigned home page
  • Connectathon videos
  • Committee Recruitment Meeting at NA Connectathon
  • IHE Deployment Briefs (aka User Success Stories)
  • Next meeting: Jan. 9, 9-10:30 am CT

Marketing and Communications Committee