MESA/Form Receiver

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The test definitions on this page are RETIRED, but are kept here, for now, as an archive.

MESA/Form Receiver

Retrieve Form for Data Capture (RFD) Integration Profile Tests

This section describes tests that are specific to the IHE Retrieve Form for Data Capture Integration (RFD) profile.

There is no test software required for these tests.

Form Receiver Test 14354: RFD Vendor Interoperability - Submit Form

This test enables (encourages) internet testing prior to the Connectathon. Form Receivers publish a URL which Form Fillers can use for internet testing of the RFD Submit Form transaction. This test is marked as REQUIRED in gazelle. For some participants, internal problems with firewalls, or other issues, makes internet testing impossible. So, in essence, pre-connectathon testing for RFD is optional, but if we marked it as such in gazelle, we fear you would not have read this test to know that you have an opportunity to test with your partners prior to the connectathon.

  • Form Receivers will make an entry in a shared Google spreadsheet indicating the URL which Form Fillers can use for internet testing of the 'Submit Form' transaction. The spreadsheet is stored here: If you do not have access to this spreadsheet, send an email to Lynn Felhofer.
  • In this spreadsheet, you should enter a URL for accessing your Form Receiver over the internet prior to the connectathon.
  • When you complete that step, create a .txt file and upload that file as the results for test 14354. This will be a signal to the project manager that your system is available for internet testing.
  • Please post your URL at least 3 weeks prior to the normal pre-connectathon (Mesa) test deadline.
  • The goal is no surprises at the connectathon.