ITI Agenda May-2024 F2F

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This 5-days meeting is to move forward all the current work items in the continuous development cycle.

Meeting Location - RSNA Headquarters

Breakfast and Lunch will not be provided.

Teams information:

Join the Meeting here

Meeting ID: 248 082 177 424

Passcode: BD9iz9

Agenda & Minutes

All times listed are tentative, and may be revised during the meeting; refresh often.

Monday, 6 May 2024

Day 1: Monday, 6 May 2024

Virtual (CDT, UTC−05:00)

Leads Activity Notes
8:30 am–9:00 am
  • Luke / John / Oliver / Steve

Participants: Luke Duncan, Ben Levy, John Moehrke, Carl Leitner, Chris Melo, Steve Nichols, Oliver Egger, Ritika Rawlani, Gianluca Pavan, Gregorio Canal, Spencer LaGesse, Matt Blackmon. Joe Lamy, Uwe Washer, Dragos Dobre, Didi Davis

  • Goals
    • DSGj - expect public comment
    • Finance - expect to continue to volume 2
    • Scheduling for Mobile - public comment or continue
9:00 am–11:00 am Ritika DSG JSON


  • Reviewed publication format
  • Reviewed volume 1
    • Reviewed JWS and JADES
    • Just signing the serialized content, not defining the document serialization
    • Noted issues with XML signatures, most likely handled with a CP
    • Reviewed detached and enveloping options
  • Reviewed volume 3
    • Discussed algorithm requirements and recommendations and how to phrase it. Especially around testing requirements.
    • Reviewed header requirements
11:00 am–12:00 pm Luke / Uwe / Dragos Finance and Insurance Services


  • Reviewed volume 1
  • Discussed eligibility transaction to see if it can be queued. Will move it to the Claim actors.
  • Add open issue on required grouping with ATNA
  • Add cross-profile considerations with mCSD
12:00 am–1:30 am all Lunch
1:30 pm–3:00 pm John HIE Whitepaper


3:00 pm–4:00 pm Joint PCC/ITI IPS

Additional Participants: Lori Fourquet, Andrea Fourquet, Laura Bright, Tone Southerland, Michael Nusbaum, Derek Ritz, John Donnelly

  • Discussed PCC IPS and ITI sIPS.
  • PCC IPS has profiles for FHIR IPS, content for CDA.
  • Should components in PCC IPS be split out in to separate publications?
4:00 pm–5:00 pm John / Luke Github issues


  • PMIR
    • Reviewed pull request for QA fixes.
    • Discussed issue with MessageHeader.eventUri message and decided to keep it as is for R4 and will revisit when updating to R6 (or R5) as subscriptions have changed and messaging may be modified in PMIR.
  • Reviewed github repos with minor pull requests for IG publisher updates and QA and approved and merged them.

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Day 2: Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Virtual (CDT, UTC−05:00)

Leads Activity Notes
8:30 am–10:00 am Ritika DSG JSON

- possibly discuss xml-signature parking lot

Participants: Luke, Ben, John, Carl, Matt, Oliver, Ritika, Gregorio, Gianluca, Steve, Chris, Spencer, Gaby Whitehead, Uwe, Dragos, Brian, David, Irene Maitha, Mwangi

  • Reviewed updates since yesterday
  • Discussed inclusion of examples
  • Discussed certificate validation and trust chain
  • Will work on overview diagram for volume 1
10:00 am–12:00 am Luke / Uwe / Dragos Finance and Insurance Services


12:00 am–1:30 am all Lunch
1:30 am–3:00 pm Steve ITI sex and gender profiling


  • Reviewed the in progress CP document
    • Discussed updates to XCPD
    • Discussed FHIR updates for PDQm, PIXm
3:00 pm–5:00 pm Luke R5/R6 Experimentation


  • Still waiting for demand
  • Changes were made to AuditEvent for R6 based our our review
  • will review mCSD for resource updates that may require additional feedback

Wednesday, 8 May 2024

Day 3: Wednesday, 8 May 2024

Virtual (CDT, UTC−05:00)

Leads Activity Notes
8:30 am–10:00am Ritika DSG JSON

Participants: John, Mary Jungers, Matt, Chris, Oliver, Ritika, Spencer, Luke, Gaby, Mick Talley, Steve, Uwe, Vassil

10:00 am–12:00pm Luke / Uwe / Dragos Finance and Insurance Services


  • Add actor for query and check coverage initiator
  • Add mini-use case for cancellation and re-process
  • Reviewed example resources for the transactions
  • Open issue on Task for polling instead of simple read on the resource that was returned.
  • Compare to X12 and DaVinci
12:00 am–1:30 pm all Lunch
1:30 pm–2:00pm Vassil Scheduling for Mobile


  • Reviewed transactions / operations
  • Continue work on transactions
2:00 pm–3:00pm John IG Publisher (Open to All)


  • Reviewed PCS
  • Discussed slices and invariants
3:00 pm–5:00pm All Joint Domain Meeting


Thursday, 9 May 2024

Day 4: Thursday, 9 May 2024

Virtual (CDT, UTC−05:00)

Leads Activity Notes
8:30 am–10:00am Ritika DSG JSON

Participants: John, Chris, Luke, Gianluca, Spencer, Gregorio, Matt, Carl, Ritika, Oliver, Gaby, Martin Smock, Sarah, Joe, Diletta Babato, Vassil, Steve

  • Reviewed CP for XML updates.
  • Reviewed update for supplement template intro.
  • Reviewed public comment process
  • Reviewed pull requests for minor updates/comment resolution.
10:00 am–11:00 am Luke / Uwe / Dragos Finance and Insurance Services


  • Add transactions for each status check for each request
  • Add transaction for cancel and re-process
  • mention that it's not to say we won't add more scope later on the greenfield statement.
  • Add Davinci and X12 to README
11:00 am–12:00 pm Sarah CP Processing


12:00 pm–1:30 pm all Lunch
1:30 pm–3:00 pm Vassil Scheduling for Mobile


  • Reviewed transactions / operations
  • Reviewed book appointment
  • Reviewed hold appointment, will add design notes about race conditions
  • Reviewed test plan
  • Read through and discussed comments
3:00 pm–4:00 pm Daniel Connectathon Testing development planning

Additional Participants: Michael Nusbaum, Daniel Berezeanu, Andrea Fourquet, Lori Fourquet, John Stamm

Friday, 10 May 2024

Day 5: Friday, 10 May 2024

Virtual (CDT, UTC−05:00)

Leads Activity Notes
8:30 am–12:00 pm Luke / Oliver / John / Steve Decisions and Open Agenda

Participants: John, Chris, Steve, Luke, Gregorio, Giancarlo, Spencer, Matt, Mick

  • Voting
    • Steve moves to re-publish HIE Whitepaper, Gregorio seconds, passes unanimously
    • Luke moves to publish DSGj for public comment, Gregorio seconds, passes unanimously
    • IUA will re-publish based on integrated approved CPs
    • MHD will re-publish based on integrated approved updates
    • Gregorio moves to add align DSUB with DSUBm as new work item, John seconds, passes unanimously
  • T-Cons
    • Scheduling stays the same
    • Finance stays the same
    • DSUB - Start 5/23 at 9AM CDT, skip June 6
  • Presentations needed
    • DSUBm
    • PDQm match
    • PCF
  • Discussed CP on homeCommunityId