ITI Agenda 2022-2023 Oct 2023 F2F

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This 5-days meeting is to move forward all the current work items in the continuous development cycle.

Meeting Location
PATH Headquarters
2201 Westlake Ave, Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98121
Teams information for this meeting is
Link to Join
Meeting ID: 289 286 512 690
Passcode: TP9ELu

Support material
Profile proposals and other support information may be found in the google drive or Github
ITI Plan Kanban board

Agenda & Minutes

All times listed are tentative and may be revised during the meeting; refresh often.

Monday, 23rd October 2023

Day 1: Monday, 23 October 2023

Seattle, WA (PDT, UTC−07:00)

Leads Activity Notes
8:00 am–10:00 am

Luke / John / Oliver / Steve

  • Introductions and Agenda Review
    • Introductions
    • Sponsor Communications
    • Agenda Review
    • Decision Making and Goals
    • Author commitments
      • wiki updates, T-cons, F2F participation, ...
    • [Continuous Development]
    • Connectathon report out
    • web site analytics
    • presentations
    • FHIR R4, R4B, R5, and R6
  • Work Items
    • RESTful DSUB
    • $match in PDQm
    • Scheduling for Moble
    • Comment Resolution
      • sIPS
      • NPFS

Participants: John Moehrke, Chris Melo, Spencer LaGesse, Stefano Contento, Gianluca Pavan, Matt Blackmon, Steve Nichols, Oliver Egger, Ricardo Quintano, Martin Smock, Sarah Bell, Luke Duncan, Rita Torkzadeh, Phil DePalo, Michael Talley, Joe Lamy


  • Goals:
    • DSUBm to Public Comment
      • Currently on R4, still discussing usage of R4B
    • $match to Public Comment
    • Scheduling for Mobile to ?
    • sIPS / NPFS to TI
  • Reviewed wiki usage/requirements.
  • Discussed connectathon
  • Reviewed website analytics
  • Discussed FHIR versions
    • R6 ballots should be starting soon in 3 waves
    • R6 will be de-facto normative due to inertia
    • Discussed R4 vs R4 and automatic IG publication for package file
      • Implications for DSUBm
      • Implications for versioning, using different package ids
10:00 am–11:00 am Spencer $match in PDQm

I have finished my updates to add the $match operation to PDQm. Please take a look at your earliest convenience and send me your feedback (Github issues, email, etc. are fine).

Barring any feedback that is serous and that I cannot address next week, I will be proposing to move PDQm to public comment next week.

The continuous build of the match branch can be viewed at

Hope to see you all next week.




  • Reviewed updates
  • Reviewed search parameters and combinations on ITI-78
  • Reviewed use cases
  • Reviewed examples
  • Discussed testplan page
  • Discussed profiling and usage of IPA
11:00 am–12:00 pm Gianluca / Stefano RESTful DSUB

Here you can find the link to the DSUBm IG CI Build -

If you have time please have a look at the re-edited VOL.1 and VOL.2 (Keep in mind that we are still working on the artifacts so some links may be missing or not working.)

These are some point of discussion that we want to discuss during the f2f:

1. review the new options section introduced in VOL.1: "Pull notification" = introduced the Pull notification modality "Updating events" = this option permits to consider the updating and deleting events determinated by Update Document Set [ITI-57] transaction operations or by Remove Metadata [ITI-62]

2. Definition of the canonical url for SubscriptionTopic. is it correct to use the "AdHocQuery/@id" defined in DSUB ?

3. Dicuss the new automatic notification sent at the end of a subscription.

4. Discuss the DSUBinterface model in section "1: DSUB Subscription Search extension"

5. Review volume 2 and complete the missing part of the artifacts

Regards, Stefano


  • Reviewed updates
  • Discussed pull option
  • Discussed Subscription query to include $status and $events as additional messages
  • Discussed options
    • Include use case to define use of the option
    • Discussed update option and will rename
1:45 pm–3:00 pm Sarah CP Processing


3:00 pm–4:00 pm John / Luke Github issues


  • Reviewed current issues on published profiles.

Tuesday, 24th October, 2023

Day 2: Tuesday, 24 October, 2023

Seattle, WA (PDT, UTC−07:00)

Leads Activity Notes
8:00 am–9:00 am Luke / John / Gianluca / Gregorio NPFS Comment review

Participants: Luke Duncan, Alessandro Pinton, Ben Levy, Gianluca Pavan, John Moehrke, Matt Blackmon, Chris Melo, Steve Nichols, Oliver Egger, Spencer LaGesse, Stefano Contento, Vassil Peytchev, Ricardo Quintano, Phil DePalo, Rita Torkzadeh


9:00 am–11:00 am John sIPS


  • Reviewed issues
  • Reviewed updates
  • Bug fixes have been done
  • Discussed and wordsmithed introduction
  • Discussed transformed documents and how to handle
  • Discussed content and transport profiles and how they work together
11:00 am–12:00 pm Vassil Scheduling for Mobile


  • Reviewed updates
  • Reviewed transactions
    • Discussed appointment query
12:00 am–1:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm–3:00 pm Spencer $match in PDQm


  • Reviewed testplan page updates
  • Reviewed updates since yesterday
  • Reviewed issues
  • Reviewed moving 1.2.3 to 4.3 and reworking
3:00 pm–4:00 pm Gianluca DSUBm


  • Reviewed updates
  • Discussed subscription search
  • Will discuss R4 vs. R4B tomorrow
  • Reviewed 6.3.2
  • Discussed subscription topics
  • Discussed notification messages for ITI-112

Wednesday, 25th October, 2023

Day 3: Wednesday, 25 October, 2023

Seattle, WA (PDT, UTC−07:00)

Leads Activity Notes
8:00 am–10:00 am Gianluca / Stefano RESTful DSUB

Participants: John, Stefano, Ricardo, Spencer, Luke, Gianluca, Chris, Steve, Oliver, Matt, Phil


  • Discussed pull option and if it's necessary
    • Discussed $events operation usage and optionality
  • Discussed notifications and expected actions for heartbeat/handshake/etc.
  • Discussed R4 vs R4B
    • Discussed dependencies across R4B and R4
10:00 am–12:00 pm John sIPS


  • sIPS
    • Reviewed open issues
  • Reviewed open github issues across all ITI repos
12:00 am–1:30 pm Lunch
3:00 pm–5:00 pm QRPH/PCC/ITI Joint Sarah



Thursday, 26th October 2023

Day 4: Thursday, 26 October 2023

Seattle, WA (PDT, UTC−07:00)

Leads Activity Notes
8:00 am–10:00 am Gianluca / Stefano RESTful DSUB



10:00 am–12:00 pm Vassil Scheduling for Mobile



12:00 am–1:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm–2:15 pm Spencer $match in PDQm



2:15 pm–3:00 pm John sIPS (may not need time)



3:00 pm–4:30 pm Luke / John / Oliver / Steve

Joint Planning / Tech

  • Approval of Comment Resolution
  • Approval to Public Comment
  • Assignment of Presentations
  • T-Con Schedule
  • Testing plans



4:30 pm–5:00 pm Luke / John / Oliver / Steve AOB

