ITI Agenda 2022-2023 Oct 2022 F2F

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This 5-days meeting is to move forward all the current work items in the continuous development cycle.

Meeting Location
Virtual Face to Face
Teams information for this meeting is
Meeting Number: 243 487 521 080
Passcode: iqaA7H
Link: Microsoft Teams Link

Support material
Profile proposals and other support information may be found in the google drive

Agenda & Minutes

All times listed are tentative, and may be revised during the meeting—refresh often.

Agenda for ITI, PCC, and QRPH for the week can be found here

Monday, 3rd October, 2022

Day 1: Monday, 03 October, 2022

Virtual (CDT, UTC−05:00)

Leads Activity Notes
8:00 am–9:00 am
  • Luke / John / Oliver / Steve
  • Dmytro / Martin

Participants: Sarah Bell, Matt Blackmon, Oliver Egger, Dmytro Rud, John Moehrke, Olivia Bellamou-Huet, TeRhonda McGee, Spencer LaGesse, Steve Nichols, Vassil Peytchev, Joe Lamy , Luke Duncan

9:00 am–11:00 am Vassil Scheduling for Mobile


11:00 am–12:00 pm Spencer / Joe MHD Federation Whitepaper


1:00 pm–2:00 pm John MHD Improvements


Tuesday, 4th October, 2022

Day 2: Tuesday, 04 October, 2022

Virtual (CDT, UTC−05:00)

Leads Activity Notes
8:00 am–10:00 am John MHD Improvements

Participants: Luke, John, Sarah, Oliver, Steve, Matt, Spencer, Gregorio Canal, Alex Starr, Joe

10:00 am–11:00 am Sarah CP Ballot 61 Comment Resolution


11:00 am–12:00 pm Spencer / Joe MHD Federation Whitepaper


  • Discussed use of PractitionerRole in mCSD. Added issue to mCSD to highlight this.
  • Discussed sections 4 and 5

1:00 pm–2:00 pm Luke SVCM Public Comment Review


  • Reviewed QA warnings
  • Fixed issues with experimental field on examples.
  • Fixed warning on subtype code for the Operation AuditEvent.

Wednesday, 5th October, 2022

Day 3: Wednesday, 05 October, 2022

Virtual (CDT, UTC−05:00)

Leads Activity Notes
8:00 am–10:00am Spencer / Joe MHD Federation Whitepaper

Participants: John, Luke, Sarah, Joe, TeRhonda, Oliver, Steve, Spencer, Matt, Vassil, Olivia, Mary Jungers

  • Reviewed section 4
    • Discussed Endpoint on OrganizationAffiliation vs Organization
  • Reviewed section 5
  • Discussed multi-layer network diagram
  • Discussed Appendix E
  • Discussed Name

10:00 am–12:00pm Vassil Scheduling for Mobile


1:00 pm–2:00pm John HTML Publication


2:00 pm–3:00pm John IG Publisher (Open to All)


3:00 pm–5:00pm All


Thursday, 6th October, 2022

Day 4: Thursday, 06 October, 2022

Virtual (CDT, UTC−05:00)

Leads Activity Notes
8:00 am–10:00am Sarah CP Processing

Participants: Matt, Luke, Steve, Sarah, John, Lynn Felhofer, Spencer, Philip Goetz, Andries, Joe

  • Ballot 61 resolved
  • Reviewed assigned CPs

10:00 am–11:00 am Vassil Scheduling for Mobile


  • Reviewed Volume 1
    • Added cross profile considerations
    • Continue T-cons on previous schedule – starting Oct 20 at 9AM CT
  • Discussed Booking transaction naming since it also handles cancelling/rescheduling
11:00 am–12:00 pm Spencer / Joe MHD Federation Whitepaper


  • Discussed section 4
  • Discussed how partOf is used
  • Discussed section 5
1:00 pm–3:00 pm John MHD Improvements


Friday, 7th October, 2022

Day 5: Friday, 07 October, 2022

Virtual (CDT, UTC−05:00)

Leads Activity Notes
8:00 am–12:00 am Luke / Oliver / John / Steve
  • Final review and VOTING
    • SeR to Trial Implementation
    • SVCM to Trial Implementation
    • MHD Improvements to Public Comment
    • MHD Federation Whitepaper
  • Joint Tech/Planning
  • AOB
  • Closing

Participants: Sarah, Dmytro, Oliver, John, Luke, Joe, Steve, Matt, Spencer

  • VOTING / status:
    • Secure Retrieve to TI: Dmytro motions, John seconds, motion passes unanimously
    • SVCM to TI: Luke motions, John seconds, motion passes unanimously
    • MHD Improvements to PC:
    • Topologies Whitepaper (MHD Federation Whitepaper)
      • Committee and targeted comment for this quarter and expect to do public comment after Feb face to face
      • T-Con start Oct 21 at 10AM CT, biweekly
    • Scheduling for Mobile
      • Volume 1 is finished and sent to ITI Tech
  • T-Cons:
    • MHD Improvements: 10 AM Thursdays start Oct 3, biweekly
    • BPPCm: 10AM Fridays 4 weeks starting Nov 11, monthly
  • AOB
    • FHIR R5 is in ballot now
      • Many changes to DocumentReference
      • Should review any profiled resources for potential issues
    • Federation of FHIR servers
      • Need trust network
  • Retrospective
    • Not having a test contact at meetings is an issue
    • Github issues, pull requests, and IG publisher is in a good place and working well
    • How do we get more vendors to participate in meetings? and public comments?
      • Describe ways to participate in a better way
      • Deployment committees
      • IHE experience day