ITI Agenda 2019-2020 November 2019 F2F

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This 5-days meeting is focused on a review of the first draft of work-items selected on July. The primary goal is to complete at least vol.1 content for each new work-item, but in some cases the Technical committee will be able also to issue a public comment version for some profiles.

Meeting Location
RSNA Building, Oak Brook, IL
WebEx information for this meeting is
Meeting Number: 926 766 612
Password: Meeting1
Support material
Profile proposals and other support information may be found in the FTP Site

Agenda & Minutes

All times listed are tentative, and may be revised during the meeting—refresh often.

Monday, 11th November, 2019

Day 1: Monday, 11 February, 2019

Oak Brook (CST, UTC−06:00)

Leads Activity Notes
8:00 am–8:30 am Breakfast
8:30 am–8:45 am Luke/John Webex:

Introductions and Agenda Review

  • Introductions
  • Sponsor Communications
  • Agenda Review
  • Decision Making and Goals
  • Author commitments
    • wiki updates, T-cons, F2F participation, ...
  • continuous development: [Continuous Development]

John Moehrke, Sylvie Colas, Spencer Lagesse, Luke Duncan, Lynn Felhofer, Sarah Bell, Gregorio Canal, Umberto Cappellini, Adam Bazer, Chris Melo, Joe Lamy, Emily Lemus, Martin Siegmund, Jenny Thompson, Jonathan Payne, Vassil Peytchev


  • The goal of this week is to progess on the following work items for getting them in:
    • Public Comment
      • MHD-HIE (slim chance)
      • PRIM (slim chance)
    • Trial Implementation Publication
      • PRIM
      • mACM
      • PIXm
      • NPFSm

All the work is being done on the ITI Tech GitHub

  • Continuous development : ITI with the continuous development needs more communication with other domains. The communication must be made primary to DCC and to IHE news in particular on the new work items.
  • Information has been asked about profiles to be tested at the next connectathon
8:45 am–10:45 am Walco IUA (goal for the week: Vol 1 finished) replaced by:

Profiles to be tested at the next connectathon

No author for IUA is participating today, so this item is replaced by:

  • Last news about the January connectathon under preparation:
    • Profiles to be tested by vendors: Lynn presented this list and the formal the announcement to Connectathon participants will be made later on this week.
    • Tools ready for testings ITI FHIR profiles: Gazelle EVS client will be updated for FHIR R4 in the next week or so, Gazelle PatientManager tool, simulator for PDQm is expected to be updated by the end of the year, Gazelle security suite ARR simulator (Syslog Collector) may be updated to accept FHIR R4 AuditEvents in sprin Jan.2020; support for MHD testing from NIST (Bill's tools) should be available this fall; announcement expected from Bill later this week..
  • The IHE Format Code set for use with document sharing can be found, for the moment, under the HL7 FHIR page built from the FHIR terminology server.
  • Introduction about MHD HIE issues:
    • MHD-HIE actors diagrams
    • Security section, to be fed with somes results coming from IUA development
    • Having the Repository as a separate actor or not
10:45 am–11:00 am Morning Break
11:00 am–12:30 pm Jon / Jenny / Luke mSVS (goal for the week: Vol 1 finished)


  • Discussions about the simplification of the mSVS profile, in particular the different use cases which have to be included. We need core use cases to define the representation of coded Data in FHIRcode systems, in particular Code System, Value Set, Terminology Binding and Coded Data Types with the terminology operations service.
  • The use case "Retrieve a Concept map" requires to check with PCC, their work about CMAP (Clinical mapping).
  • Up to now, the actors are the "Value Set Repository" and the "Value Set Consumer".
  • The use cases will be simplified versions for:
    • discovery of ValueSet/CodeSystem
    • ValueSet $expand
    • ValueSet $validate-code
  • PDQm will be referenced as a template
  • The editors will take into account these comments for updating mSVS for 5.00 pm CT (except CMAP).
12:30 pm–1:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm–3:15 pm Luke PRIM (goal for the week: ready for TI)


  • The whole document is reviewed and commented. In particular, it is decided to do not take into account the Unmerge operation as an automatic process. People who need to use the "Unmerge" operation must present an accurate use case.
  • feed transaction will be modified to discuss persistence of changes on the identity manager
  • feed will be modified to require bundle of responses based on the Patients submitted in the request
3:15 pm–3:30 pm Afternoon Break
3:30 pm–5:30 pm John MHD HIE (goal for the week: Vol 1 finished)


  • Several options are under consideration for the name of this profile.
  • Open issues were reviewed, specifically around how other profiles (mCSD, PRIM) might need to have an option for versioning to better support this profile
  • The whole document is reviewed:
  • The whitepaper "Health Information Exchange:Enabling Document Sharing Using IHE Profiles" has to be updated for MDH-HIE. Maybe not in short term. Anyway its update will have to be a IHE/ITI work item.
  • We discussed the inclusion of updated information in section X.4 from the white paper and whether it should be included here or referenced in an updated white paper. Final decision on this has been postponed until later in the week.
  • The description of actors could content the link to their description on the wiki pages, for example. John proposes to fill details in sections which are not yet developed.
  • We discussed the possible options for this profile, specifically around authorization and patient consent.
5:30 pm–5:45 pm Luke/John Wrap-up and Homework

Minutes: NPFSm, mACM and PIXm have to be read in priority tonight in order to approve them for TI on Tuesday. PRIM can begin to be read also.

Tuesday, 12th November, 2019

Day 2: Tuesday, 12 February, 2019

Oak Brook (CST, UTC−06:00)

Leads Activity Notes
8:00 am–8:30 am Breakfast
8:30 am–9:00 am Luke/John Agenda Review

Participants: John Moehrke, Sylvie Colas, Spencer Lagesse, Luke Duncan, Lynn Felhofer, Sarah Bell, Gregorio Canal, Chris Melo, Joe Lamy, Charles Parisot


9:00 am–11:00 am All IHE Joint Meeting with ITI, PCC, QRPH and Radiology


11:00 am–11:15 am Morning Break
11:15 am–1:00 pm Gregorio / John / Luke NPFSm / PIXm / mACM (goal for the week: ready for TI)


  • NPFS:

NPFSm is changed into NPFS. Comments have been integrated.
Approval: Gregorio moved, Charles seconded and the participants approved NPFS for Trial implementation with no abstention.

  • PIXm:

The vote for approving PIXm for republication in TI will be done on Wednesday, 13 November.

  • mACM:

Some extra-time is needed for integrating the comments. The vote for approving mACM in TI will be done on Wednesday, 13 November.

1:00 pm–2:00 pm Lunch
2:00 pm–3:15 pm John FHIR FormatCode


  • IHE FormatCode set used for XDS is on IHE FHIR Github. John is working on publishing this IHE FormatCode vocabulary using the Implementation Guide Publication tooling. Formatcode IG is a very small Implementation Guide that just contains the vocabulary. This repository has been created from the FHIR sample-ig (implementation guide). This repository is used for building the implementation guide and the output is generated from this repoository. The language used for updating the repository is similar to the wiki language. For the moment, there an issue about the management of comments of specifications generated from this repository.
  • Given this is the first time ITI is looking at this kind of publication, ITI members are asked to report:
    • mistakes that need to be fixed in this FormatCode IG;
    • improvement opportunities in this FormatCode IG;
    • issues with the layout to be ajusted before starting IGs more broader.
3:15 pm–3:30 pm Afternoon Break
3:30 pm–5:30 pm John / Luke FHIR Publishing and Testing


  • The IHE FHIR Github is the canonical source today.
5:30 pm–5:45 pm Luke/John Wrap-up and Homework


Wednesday, 13th November, 2019

Day 3: Wednesday, 13 February, 2019

Oak Brook (CST, UTC−06:00)

Leads Activity Notes
8:00 am–8:30 am Breakfast
8:30 am–8:45 am Luke/John Agenda Review
  • Vote on PIXm and mACM R4 updates to move to TI

Participants: Spencer Lagesse, Luke Duncan, Lynn Felhofer, Sarah Bell, Chris Melo, Sylvie Colas, Walco Van Loon, John Moehrke, Jonathan Payne, Jenny Thompson


  • mACM: minor updates have been made.

Approval: Sylvie made a motion, Spencer seconded and the participants approved mACM for Trial implementation with no abstention.

  • PIXm:

Approval: Sylvie made a motion, Spencer seconded and the participants approved PIXm for Trial implementation with no abstention.

8:45 am–10:45 am Luke PRIM (PMIM)

Minutes: PRIM is replacing IUA which is postponed from 3.00 to 4.00 pm

  • Different received comments are reviewed for their integration is the document.
10:45 am–11:00 am Morning Break
11:00 am–12:30 pm Jon / Jenny / Luke mSVS


  • It is decided to:
    • use one server actor including code systems, value sets and concept maps
    • insert an "Open issue": Why does exist an option that a product comes with uploaded maps between existing terminologies (see CMap)
    • remove the remaining template text which is not used
    • rename the profile into "Terminology services", for the moment
    • rename the actors in "Terminology Repository" and "Terminology Consumer", for the moment
    • introduce the FHIR definitions and insert the appropriate URL to FHIR definitions
    • add some examples in use cases
  • Goal (continuous development rules): Get a good quality of volume 1 material, representing the scope of this project for approval by Friday or at the next F2F meeting in February, 2020.
  • For an approval on next Friday, if an updated document can be provided tonight, a review session can be organized tomorrow for getting a document ready for approval of Volume 1 on Friday.
12:30 pm–1:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm–2:45 pm Luke Naming profiles


  • Renaming PRIM to Patient Master Identity Registry (PMIR)
  • Renaming mSVS to Sharing Valuesets, Codes and Maps (SVCM)
  • Renaming MHD HIE, several options are still under consideration:
    • Mobile access to Health Documents – Health Information Exchange (MHD-HIE)
    • Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing for Mobile (XDS.m)
    • Mobile Health Document Sharing (MHDS)
    • Health Document Sharing (HDS)
    • Document Sharing HIE (DSHIE)
2:45 pm–3:00 pm Afternoon Break
3:00 pm–4:00 pm Walco IUA


  • The agreed priorities are the following:
    • Clean-up the present specification of IUA, an informal copy of this would be used at the next connectathon
    • Clarify IUA scope for integrating SMART on FHIR (Tech Stack for Health Apps including in particular FHIR, OAuth2, OpenID Connect) - Editors need to assess this new scope
    • The IUA team will assist John in MHD HIE use of IUA
  • Goal: Approval for public comment at the next F2F in Feb. 2020

4:00 pm–5:30 pm John MHD IHE


  • A "Open issue" is inserted about the need forwared by Charles that "two different actors are needed for Doc Registry and Doc Repository. This need comes from at least two countries, Switzerland and Netherlands. More than half of their deployments have multiple document repositories (from different vendors) for a single Doc Registry in an affinity Domain. Their position, is that it is important that such a flexibility is MHD for HIEs is designed from the start". The comments received during the public comments will determine if a repository actor ha te be created.
  • MHD-HIE Actor diagram becomes optional
5:30 pm–5:45 pm Luke/John Wrap-up and Homework


Thursday, 14th November, 2019

Day 4: Thursday, 14 February, 2019

Oak Brook (CST, UTC−06:00)

Leads Activity Notes
8:00 am–8:30 am Breakfast
8:30 am–8:45 am Luke/John Agenda Review

Participants:Spencer Lagesse, Luke Duncan, Lynn Felhofer, Sarah Bell, Chris Melo, Sylvie Colas, Walco Van Loon, John Moehrke, Jonathan Payne, Jenny Thompson, Elliot Silver, Matt Blackmon


8:45 am–10:45 am Gregorio / John / Lynn ATNA Tooling


  • See GitHub for ongoing documents.
  • Notes were taken in the PPTX including planning out phases and the order needed for process and software changes to implement this.
  • Action Items
    • John will work on presentation to DCC and board
    • Lynn will reach out to GSS dev team for preliminary discussions
10:45 am–11:00 am Morning Break
11:00 am–12:30 pm John / Sylvie ITI Planning


  • Work items moved to Current development :"White paper about the Survey of network interfaces form (SNIF)" and "ATNA tool"
  • Scored and assessed: "Update HIE white paper to include MHD"
  • Moved back to "Under assessement by planning": "Enhance ITI-44 and ITI-46 transactions (PIXv3 Feed and Update Notification)" as nobody seems to work on it, for the time being
  • The ITI planning dash board is updated
  • The dashboard "ITI Supplements from Trial Implementation to Final Text" will be updated at the Feb. 2020 meeting
12:30 pm–1:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm–2:00 pm Jon / Jenny SVCM


  • The editors have to update the document with comments received today, for tonight in order to get it ready for approval of Volume 1 on Friday.
  • 7 transactions have been added
    • retrieve valueset
    • retrieve codesystem
    • retrieve conceptmap
    • expand valueset
    • lookup code
    • validate code
    • translate code
  • Updated consumer to have all optional transactions, but at least 1 must be selected
  • We discussed the security considerations
  • We discussed cross profile considerations and none are currently needed.
2:00 pm–5:30 pm Luke PMIR


  • Reviewed all comments received
  • Updated text based on comments and committee feedback
  • Concepts were added
  • Expected actions for post merge were added
  • Rewrite of introduction to be more concise
  • Updated github with latest changes for review tonight

5:30 pm–5:45 pm Luke/John Wrap-up and Homework


  • Read PMIR for vote to TI tomorrow
  • Read MHDS for vote on 1st PC

Friday, 15th November, 2019

Day 5: Friday, 15th November, 2019

Oak Brook (CST, UTC−06:00)

Leads Activity Notes
8:00 am–8:45 am Breakfast
8:45 am–9:00 am Luke / John Introductions and Agenda Review


  • Chris Melo, Gregorio Canal, Joe Lamy, Matt Blackmon, Spencer LaGesse, Sylvie Colas, John Moehrke, Luke Duncan, Lynn Felhofer


9:00 am–10:00 am Luke PMIR


  • Reviewed final comments and resolved them.
10:00 am–10:50 am Luke / John VOTING
  • PMIR (PRIM) to TI
  • SVCM (mSVS) to Vol2
  • MHDS (MHD-HIE) to 1st PC


  • PMIR (PRIM) to TI
    • John made motion to move to TI
    • Luke seconded
    • No objections or abstentions
    • Motion passed
  • SVCM (mSVS) to Vol2
    • John made motion to postpone voting to TCon in Jan
    • Luke seconded
    • No objections or abstentions
    • Motion passed
  • MHDS (MHD-HIE) to 1st PC
    • John made motion to postpone voting to TCon in Jan
    • Chris seconded
    • No objections or abstentions
    • Motion passed
  • VOTING TCon scheduled for Jan 7, 2020 at 10:00 AM CT to vote on SVCM approval of Vol1, and MHDS approval for 1st PC
10:50 am–11:15 am Luke / John TCon Scheduling


  • MHDS
    • Dec 2, 11:00 am CT
    • Dec 16, 11:00 am CT
  • IUA
    • Need feedback from authors
  • SVCM
    • Need feedback from authors
  • SNIF
    • Need feedback from authors
  • Action: co-chairs will reach out to authors to schedule
11:15 am–12:00 pm Luke / John / Lynn
  • CP Planning / Connectathon Planning
  • Presentation Discussion
    • Joe Lamy - new 5 minute recording of XCA Deferred in TI
    • Luke - new 5 minute recording of PRIM/PIXm/PDQm in TI
    • John Moehrke - new recording of IHE on FHIR
    • Dave Pyke - outline on deeper dive into XDS topics
    • prep of videos for anything we are gong to put into Public Comment
      • MHD-HIE?
      • IUA
      • mSVS


  • will follow-up with presenters not on call.
    • Deadline of Jan 7 meeting for these presentations to review on that decision meeting
      • Joe Lamy - new 5 minute recording of XCA Deferred in TI
      • Luke - new 5 minute recording of PRIM/PIXm/PDQm in TI
      • John Moehrke - new recording of IHE on FHIR
      • Dave Pyke - outline on deeper dive into XDS topics
      • John - prep for MHDS 1st PC
  • CP Planning
    • 1 hour monthly meeting to review status and incoming
      • 2nd Thursdays
      • Ballot resolution calls may be extended to 2 hours
    • add time to Face to Face meetings on Tuesday / Thursday
12:00 pm–12:30 pm Luke / John Adjourn / Wrap-up


  • Get more feedback on MHDS
    • send to OpenHIE architecture
    • FHIR or Gemini?
    • Charles to EU contacts?
  • Co-chair nominations
    • no new nominations
    • how can we get more nominations?
12:30 pm–1:30 pm Lunch
