IHE Testing and Tools Committee Teleconference Minutes 2008-05-05

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  • Chris Carr
  • Joan McMillen
  • Cor Loef
  • Bill Majurski
  • Steve Moore
  • Eric Poiseau


Gazelle Schedule

  • A reminder to Steve Moore that Steve and Eric need to provide a published roadmap of the Gazelle project with current status and major milestones identified.

Product Registry

  • Jean-Renan has made progress on the Product Registry and will have a draft for review by Lynn Felhofer late this week. Eric offers others on T/T the ability to review if there is interest.


  • We have had several phone calls with just the Cypress-Tools group and a first phone call last week with both the Gazelle developers and Cypress-tools. The main topic of the shared phone call was collaboration on the Gazelle test engine and the results files. INRIA is working on a prototype of the Gazelle test engine. Mitre is doing some background work based on the conference call. We will get together again in three weeks to synchronize efforts.

Contributor Agreements

  • David Monteau provided contributor agreements for individuals, corporations and entities (non for profit groups). Group discussed the changes in the agreement supplied by David
    • Include a head note that this is based on the Apache 2.0 contributor agreements and show the modifications with strike through and underscores.
    • Change 1: Editorial
    • Change 2: Editorial
    • Change 3: Change Work for the term Project
    • Change 4:
    • Change 5: Keep the modified Monteau clause so that we do not get 3rd party contributions. Eric and Steve may decide on a per case basis to accept them. Normally, we will just reference 3rd party software.
  • Steve will take the original Apache agreements, make new documents that show changes (strike through, underscore), pass those documents through the WU attorneys and redistribute to Testing/Tools before Monday, 12-May.

Two Additional Documents

  • Committee Charter (how to become part of the committee and remain on the committee
    • Should be based on the general IHE governance model
    • Need further information from David
  • Technical Management document: how Eric and Steve will accept contributions and the process for managing that.
    • Bill Majurski told of the GIT software used by Linux to have a hierarchy of software contributions (more control than CVS or subversion.
    • Eric/Steve to review process for submission and return with a proposal to this group.

Action Items

  1. Steve to create a version of the contributer's agreement with changes marked.
  2. Steve/Chris to work on moving tool navigation pages to IHE wiki (and away from MIR wiki)
  3. Project Definition Page: Eric and Steve will begin developing a Wiki page outlining the Gazelle project, listing major responsibilities and including an annual road map of tools development and testing activities
  4. Committee Governance Charter: David Monteau will draft an expansion of the Testing and Tools Committee language included in the Principles of Governance
  5. Testing Issues Page: Chris Carr will begin a Wiki page for posting testing-related policy questions for the Testing and Tools Committee to consider

Next Tcon

  • Monday, May 12, 8:30am CDT
  • Agenda Items:
    • Review contributor agreements published with change notation
    • Review process for software contributions with review by Eric/Steve

Testing and Tools Committee