IHE Testing and Tools Committee 2009-06-22 Teleconference Minutes

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  • Bill Majurski - NIST
  • Eric Poiseau - INRIA
  • Steve Moore - Mallinckrodt
  • Lisa Spellman - HIMSS
  • Joan McMillen - RSNA
  • Nichole Drye-Mayo - RSNA


  • Tentative dates for Training Event - All day October 14-16, 2009 in Paris
  • Eric will find space; work on catering issues.
  • Resolve quorum issue(at least one region and 3 organizations total) and fee structure.
  • Announcement to be made early July.Include comments that all that want to hold Connectathons in the future will have to attend training.
  • Testing and Tools Committee will finalize its approval of draft for presentation to Board for review and approval vote. Will allow for review by IHE national/regional committees planning testing events.
  • <Action> Chris Carr will send link to document for Board to review and comment on July teleconference.
  • Review training proposal on the next T&T call; next sponsor call and for vote on next International Board Call. (Review fee document from 4/27 call)
  • Next Call
  • July 6, 10am-11:30am CDT

Testing and Tools Committee