IHE Lab Meeting Minutes 11/12/2013

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IHE Lab Meeting Minutes
November 12, 2013

Attendees: Filip Mignom, Mary Kennedy, Francois Macaray, Laurent Lardin, Daniel Moncus, Riki Merrick,Ed Heierman, Daniel Nebot, Andrzej Knafel, Harry Solomon, Alessandro Sulis , Jim Harrison, Harry Solomon

  1. Approval of Tokyo F2F Minutes: Minutes are posted on the wiki and are approved by group.
  2. LAW Testing Scenarios : North American Gazelle link [http://ihe.wustl.edu/gazelle-na/home.seam]
    • Testing scenarios were reviewed during the last F2F
    • 2 scenarios were delete – Lab re-run on manager and reflex decided on manager- scenarios do not add anything new, both use cases are doing the same as sending a new AWOS
    • Ed commented on Riki’s wording review – Francois reviewed the re-run decided on the analyzer and the reflex on analyzer
    • Chart is automatically generated by Gazelle from the table describing the interactions
    • Task was to concentrate on what fields to check for this test – revisit the testing steps and the descriptions in a word document to give to Ann-Gaelle to update the scenarios on the platform
    • A few open items were found – Ed commented on these
    • Test cases should confirm validity of AWOS ID across all the test cases, also have some checking on OBX-4 and OBR-26 for the reflex
    • François will work on document
    • Capability of analyzers vary – support broadcast vs query – may need to discuss these. Some analyzers may not do re-runs or reflex – how to deal with that in profile / test cases; that for sure applies to reflex, not so sure for re-run… allow a statement that they don’t support
    • All analyzers should be able to do re-run
    • Bi-directional mode: was made mandatory by ICC and IHE consensus, but there are some existing analyzers, that analyzer does not have the bidirectional capability (query)
    • These should still be able to receive the broadcast messages
    • Create profiles for some of the capabilities that analyzers can chose to adhere to or not, depending on their functionality
    • Do we have ideas between domains and functionalities required – for example pooling may not apply to the forensic lab domain.
    • If we can, then we could match the requirements to the domain – not sure we have a “black and white” answer - may be differing by country, too
    • Suggested analyzer profiles– assign within use cases apply to this ONLY Reflex ; Query; Pooling of patient specimen; and Imaging
    • LAW core defines the minimum all interfaces have to support (order broadcast, string together results)
    • The flexibility is on the analyzer side ONLY!
    • LAW 1.3 has been published, connectathon will show fixes, including these new profiles for the analyzers only – 2014 release
    • Needs to be a change proposals for the LAW – Ed will draft text on the LAW wiki page [http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=Laboratory_Analytical_Workflow] to document the background and we will later on create the CP from there
  3. LAW Testing Participation at Connectathons (Japan (October 2013) and North America (January 2014))
    • Japan tested 4 systems – have not received feedback from October 2013 test
    • Chicago 2014 have 4 analyzers and 1 analyzer manager (Orchard), coordinated with Sunquest, but timing has not worked, they will work on the LAW supplement 1.3 and hopefully will be able to do testing down the road.
    • Biomerieux (micro), Siemens and Abbot and Beckman – Coulter (hematology)
  4. Update on LCC: Not much change since Tokyo – suggestions have been sent to OO, but have not been scheduled for review on their agenda, have some responses, but will need to get larger feedback – expect more news for next month.
  5. Next F2F (where and when): Mary proposed Chicago in January 2014
    • Too close to Tokyo meeting
    • Proposal to have next F2F meeting in Paris 2014
    • May 20-22 or May 12-14 – right after HL7 meeting in Phoenix
    • IHE AP was considering meeting beginning of June 2014 – possibly move a little later?
    • Group to check their calendars before December call - let Francois or Riki know if any conflicts

Next Domain Call - December 10th 2013 11AM ET to 12 PM ET