IHE Lab Meeting Minutes 06/21/2011

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  • Francois Macary (ASIP Sante, IHE Planning Committee Co-chair)
  • John Ritter(CAP, IHE Laboratory Secretary)
  • Filip Migom (MIPS)
  • Jim Harrison,MD, PhD (CAP, University of Virginia)
  • Jon Morris (Siemens)
  • Daniel Moncusi (Systelab Technologies)
  • Alessandro Sulis (CRS4, Italy – Sardinia)


The minutes of the previous meeting were posted and updated. The consolidated minutes were then re-posted.

1. LAB management, current tasks (John, François, Sondra)

A. Sondra will resume her technical co-chair call. (Thanks to Francois for serving as interim duties).
B. John Ritter attended the most recent monthly IHE Domain Secretariat meeting. Chris Carr and others are aware of the Secretariat transition.
C. Need to develop and register a webinar (as one of its IHE International activities). Organize the webinar for inclusion in the next cycle of the IHE Connectathon. The IHE Planning co-chair (Francois) will offer the Lab Domain presentation.

2. LAW Vol 2 - update (Ed)

A. Daniel reviewed the Messaging Business Objects which are planned to be reviewed in order over the next few weeks. Jon Morris worked on the Observations. Since Jon does not have corporate access to googlegroups, he sent his document to Ed (who can post it to the googlegroups email list).
B. The LAW Profile team will meet in the beginning of July and August 2011.

3. CPs (Sondra, François)

A. Two incoming Change Proposals (#168 and #169) have been completed. Sondra will organize the ballots.

4. Next Face to Face Meetings

A. Next Face to Face Meeting Tokyo September 19-21, 2011. Folks may begin making their travel plans. IHE-J will help plan the meeting’s logistics. AR(JR): Send a note to IHE-J to ask for any updates regarding the meeting.

Next Call/Meeting

Next regularly scheduled IHE lab call will be held on Tuesday, 5 July, 2011 from 8:00-9:00 AM (Eastern Time, NYC)