IHE Lab Meeting Minutes 04/02/2013

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IHE Lab Minutes April 2, 2013 DRAFT

Attendees – No roll call was performed

Francois Macary; Mary Kennedy; Ed Heierman; Filip Migom; Riki, Jim Harrison, Daniel Moncusi

  1. Current CPs for LAW Profile
    1. The team is trying to make their way through the next round of CPs to be in position to finalize for initial publication of LAW profile as part of the frame work. They have completed seven CPs and have five others pending. They have some feedback on the first 7 but are requesting more. They question whether to submit for team review or filter before submitting? They indicated the use of a slightly different approach than what was discussed at the meeting on observation identification, multiple representations, vocabulary- LOINC etc. How will these issues be handled moving forward?
    2. It was recommended that CPs continue to be publish as usual and Committee members to offer feedback. Overall the team is making good progress on CPs.
    3. Action Items - Ed will submit new CPs to the co-chairs (for review by Francois) and for registration on Wiki/FTP sites. He will post background information on the LAW Wiki. He will submit the first seven this month and have the others ready for the next committee meeting in June. The group will discuss feedback on the first 7 at the next meeting.
  2. Repository of Annotated Lab reports – XD-LAB profile
    1. Riki created XD Lab reports of lab results for several different reportable conditions in the US. She created 17 reports and one fully annotated report.
    2. Action Items - Riki will send annotated document plus two other reports (preliminary and follow-up report) to co-chairs for review and comment. These will be placed on the wiki and FTP site. Conclusions will be discussed during the next conference call. The team will also discuss the Gap analysis which will be reviewed and compared with what is being done in France.
    3. ELGA Project in Austria: Documentation is produced in German. Filip will see if he can share a portion of it. Riki will translate and compare with what is going on in the US.
  3. Update on LCC profile and feedback from HL7 OO WG
    1. Jim reported that he has gotten preliminary feedback from OO. He will be presenting the LCC to OO on Thursday, April 11, 2013. The group reviewed the primary points for the LCC discussion.
    2. Note: There hasn’t been discussion on implementation. The goal is to do a Connectathon. At present, the focus is on use cases and checking whether standards will enable to support use cases and defining whether there are new things in the standards needed to be added to complete the ability to transfer data. Interaction with vendors has been to get them to take a look at the Lab-7 transactions and decide whether they are practical and contribute to the criticism in terms of the HL7 perspectives – there is a need for many perspectives as possible.
    3. With confirmation from HL7, the task will be to identify who wants to implement this work. What is the next step? - move forward with change proposals or get vendor interested in doing technical work? It was agreed that vendors will be needed but can move forward with change proposals.
    4. Action Item – Jim: Will post summary after the HL7 discussion and update online document to reflect discussion. Francois – survey Google group to determine who is interested in implementing work.

Next Meeting: May 14, 2013


Next F2F is confirmed for October, 14-17, 2013 in Tokyo Japan