IHE Lab Meeting Minutes 02/14/2012

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  1. LAW Profile Update (ED)
    1. The profile has gone through its last round of edits and profile is now "draft for trial implementation"
    2. LAW does not include specific information for microbiology
      1. This is a known gap adn the IICC group is looking for guidance from BioMerieux
    3. Connectathon
      1. Nothing has been heard regarding the test cases for Connectathon
      2. 5 analyzers and 4 analyzer managers registered for this profile at the European Connectathon
      3. All of the use cases do not need to be used for this Connectathon-the profile will get more refined as time goes on
    4. Any feedback or questions are to be raised on ihe-laboratory-committee@googlegroups.com
      1. All change/clarifications/corrections requests will need go through the change proposal process: Email the CPs to lab@ihe.net and the changes will be reviewed by co-chairs.
  2. LCC Profile Update (Jim)
    1. There has been some discussion on the use cases which is the first task
      1. Google group post on set of use cases related to the needs of Paris University hospitals (AP-HP) will be taken in account by the project team
    2. Trying to get more vendors involved but may need to wait until after HIMMS
  3. Face to Face Meeting
    1. Agenda items
      1. Next release of technical framework
      2. Update/discuss any change proposals
      3. LCC Profile
  4. IHE AP Domain
    1. Starting February 28, IHE AP’s conference call will follow IHE Lab
    2. It will use a different call in and link so please go to their domain page for info

Next call

The next call for IHE Lab will be on February 28 at 0900 Eastern US