IHE Lab Domain Minutes 02/22/2011

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  • Sondra Renly (IBM, IHE Technical Committee Co-chair)
  • Francois Macary (ASIP Sante, IHE Planning Committee Co-chair)
  • Andrea Pitkus (CAP, IHE Laboratory Secretary)
  • Ed Heierman (Abbott)
  • James Harrison,MD,PhD. (CAP, University of Virginia)
  • Andrzej Knafel (Roche)
  • Jean Benech (bioMerieux)
  • Daniel Moncusi (Systelab Technologies)
  • J Tresserres (Systelab Technologies)


1. IICC HL7 Membership renewed Ed updates that Christophe Reynaud is the representative.

2. CP Ballot Update

  • Public Comments on CPs Due Feb 28

3. Progress Report on LAW Profile (review schedule through June)

a.Francois has made some updates to the documentation. Please send any questions or comments.
b. Ed has some updates and comments to update the definition of the AWOS.
c. Sondra updated the Thursday Feb 17 agenda with assigned tasks http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=Lab_Domain_Agenda_17Feb2011
i.From Sondra’s task for diagrams, needs to know more about how is the unique identifier being generated, can systems use the ID in other ways, and how is it defined to be unique for IHE constraints.
d. Task, “Edit AWOS definition to include requirement for unique identifier,” will be addressed during today’s call.

4. Unique AWOS ID discussion added to Wiki

a. See section 7.4 under Use Cases
b. Team discussed the use, generation, and scope of the AWOS ID
c. Based on the discussion, Ed will update the Wiki to included:
i. Additional background on the scope and intent of the AWOS ID
ii. The minimum information that must be exchanged between the Analyzer and AM to identify an AWOS
iii. Discussion on use of the AWOS ID in Query and Broadcast mode
iv. Assumptions on the use and generation of the AWOS ID
d. Further refinement of the AWOS ID Wiki content will be guided by the use of Google group messages
e. The objective is to have the Wiki content updated by the next meeting on March 8th so that the Use Case team can use the content to update the LAW profile

Next Call/Meeting

Next regularly scheduled IHE lab call will be held on Tuesday, March 8, 2011 from 8:00-9:00 AM (Eastern Time, NYC)