IHE Domain Coordination Committee Teleconference Agenda 2013-04-23

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General Committee Business

1. Roll Call see Roster

2. Approval of April 09 Minutes

3. New Business: from Future Agenda Topics Page

  • Radiology and QRPH have implemented Designated Reviewers policy that requires named committee members to provide comments on a given profile. Encourage all domains to adopt this policy.

4. Review Action Items List

Domain Announcements

1. Domain Milestone Dates

  • Close of public comment for Radiology profile supplements

2. Domain Board Reports

  • Endoscopy - late (due 3/8)
  • Rad Onc - late (due 3/8)
  • Anatomic Pathology - late (due 4/5)
  • Radiology - due 5/10

Domain Coordination Issues

  • Cross-Domain Strategic Planning Work Group

Documentation, Websites and Public Information

  • Documentation Work Group
  • Shared elements release: DWG will meet on April 29 to complete resolving public comments on shared appendices and general introduction.
  • Educational webinar series
    • Goal
    • Logistics
      • (Link to form) - complete by May 15
    • Marketing
    • Project Measures

Governance Implementation

  • Call for committee co-chairs
  • Propose switch to monthly call schedule

Next steps and New Actions Items

Domain Coordination Committee