IHE Domain Coordination Committee Teleconference Agenda 2013-01-15

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General Committee Business

1. Roll Call see Roster

2. Review of Minutes

3. New Business: from Future Agenda Topics Page

  • Coding scheme designators
  • Use of ftp site: do all domains use the ftp site? Is it a good place to put domain reports? Why do some domain leaders not have the user/pw?

4. Review Action Items List

Domain Announcements

1. Domain Milestone Dates

  • ITI Selected work for next year
    • Best reference so far on John M. blog posting
    • Summary from this posting:
      • Findings Notification - continuation of WP on notification of important findings, including lab, radiology, etc.
      • Document Sharing redocumentation - continuation of re-documentation work on ITI Vol. 3 Section 4.
      • De-identification - continuation of WP on de-identification
      • Care Services Discovery - new profile for discovering care services as it relates to referrals.
      • Extend XDW to XCA - extension to XDW to support the XCA environment
      • Intended Recipient and Folder Metadata Subscription - extension to DSUB to support additional metadata and object types
      • Internet User Authorization - support for OAuth
      • Pull-style Notification - extension to DSUB to allow for polling of notifications
  • Cardiology selected work items for the 2012/2013 development cycle
    • Intravascular Imaging
    • Cath/PCI NCDR Registry Content (2 year work item)
    • Electrophysiology Report Content (2 year work item)
  • PCC, PCD and QRPH

2. Domain Board Reports

  • Status:

Domain Coordination Issues

  • Cross-Domain Strategic Planning Work Group
  • Review questions for survey of domains:
  • Do you think your domain has a unified view?
  • Can you state the unified strategic view of your domain?
  • What processes do you follow to achieve those strategic goals?
  • Do you think the quality of your profiles meets the standards it should to be effective?
  • What quality metrics?
  • How are they applied?
  • Do you think the profiles you develop meet user needs?
  • What steps do you take to gather feedback on whether your profiles meet user needs?
  • How is this information used in assessing the domain's strategic view and evaluating the status of published profiles?

Documentation, Websites and Public Information

  • Documentation Work Group
  • Finalize and distribute new supplement template documents
  • Plan for finalizing other documents
  • Review Domain wiki pages:

Governance Implementation

Next steps and New Actions Items

Domain Coordination Committee