IHE Domain Coordination Committee Teleconference Agenda 2011-08-23

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General Committee Business

1. Roll Call see Roster

2. Approval of August 16 Minutes (5 min - all)

3. New Business: from Future Agenda Topics Page (10 min - Chris Carr)

  • time to pull another item forward? had agreed to monthly. review list.
  • NameSpace (in progress/update - Rob Horn and/or Chris Carr)

4. Review Action Items List (offline or as group?)

Domain Announcements

1. Domain Milestone Dates (20 min - ITI/PCC/PCD/QRPH TC Cochairs)

2. Domain Board Reports (10 min - Karen Witting)

  • Status
    • PCC - LATE (due to DCC 8/11)
    • QRPH - due to DCC 9/8

Domain Coordination Issues

  • Cross-Domain Strategic Planning Work Group (5 min - Chris Carr)
  • update from 2011.08.25 webex
  • Process: Wiki Domain update pages (10 min - Teri Sippel)
  • Only four domains have added 2012 calendars
  • One domain has not yet added 2011 dates
  • Five domains do not follow template/include Technical Framework development dates
  • Zero(?) domains have posted public comments resolutions? if so, where?
  • Process: Public Comment resolution - where to post? (15 min - Teri Sippel)
  • There had been discussion (but not a firm decision? make one.) to post the resolution of public comments as an (or several) spreadsheets as a link(s) on the wiki domain calendar as "TC reconciles public comments" line.
  • Need to agree where to store on ftp server also. Recommend ftp.ihe.net/<Domain>/<year>/Tech_Cmte/
  • Process: Announcing Calls for Proposals (10 min - Chris Carr)
  • are all co-chairs on ihenews@rsna.org?
  • should all/are all Calls for Proposals being posted to ihenews?

Documentation, Websites and Public Information

  • Documentation Work Group (5 min - Teri Sippel Schmidt)
  • Templates going to DCC Comment by all Domains on Aug 31st, see long list
  • Webinar Series Update (10 min - Celina)
  • Documentation updates (not currently necessary unless questions - Mary Jungers)
  • FDA standards gathering initiative update (10 min - all)

Governance Implementation

Next steps and New Actions Items

  • Next Call Sept 13th, 2011

Domain Coordination Committee
