IHE Domain Coordination Committee 2008-05-13 Teleconference Minutes

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Bruce Curran, Tom Dolan, Colin Field, Ken Fuchs, Cynthia Levy, Chris Lindop, Flora Lum, Steve Moore, Kevin O'Donnell, Charles Parisot, Karen Witting, Chris Carr, Didi Davis, Nichole Drye-Mayo, Joan McMillen, Laverne Palmer, Lisa Spellman

General Committee Business

  1. Roll Call
  2. April 29 Minutes not approved April 29 Minutes
  3. New Business: from Future Agenda Topics Page
    1. Proposed Attendance Clarification

Domain Coordination Issues

  1. Creation of Cross-domain HL7 Review Task Force to address PAM, SWF and HL7 Versioning
    1. PAM-SWF conflicts first assignment
    2. Populate task force (to include interested co-chairs and other committee members from affected committees)
    3. Action: Chris proposed May 30, 11am CDT teleconference for this cross domain task force. Karen submitted the ITI reps, Cindy will represent Radiology, Keith Boone for PCC. You don't need to send a representative for this call if you will be content with whatever the decision this group makes.
  2. Other Domain Coordination Issues

Documentation, Websites and Public Information

1. Tracking Site for Domain Coordination Issues - Update Page for Committee on Eric Poiseau's FlySpray Site Action: PCD will organize something with cardiology technical and radiology.

2. Facilitating access to support material for developers (WSDLs, schemas, examples). See ftp:/ftp.ihe.net/TF_Support_Material

3. 2008 Webinar Agenda: Initial Planning and Assignments

a. Source material available on 2007 Workshop Program

b. Update on planning

4. ISO Update: Profile Descriptions

5. Profile Category Definitions

a. Review of draft update

6. How to make support material for developers easily available

- ITI has created directories on the ftp site for support material related to Technical Framework documents (including, schemas, wsdls, etc.)

- ITI has developed a proposed process to use the ftp site to manage the creation and status of the support material: goal is to make packages available to developers related to specific actors/profiles

- Descriptive language for the schemas is included in the Technical Frameworks along with references to the specific packages located on the ftp site

- ITI's feeling is that a given schema should only be managed by one domain (eg, some of the ones shared by PCC will be controlled by ITI

- Technical Framework description remains the master and the support materials are intended to correspond directly to that language

- ITI is developing text describing the relationship between Technical Frameworks and Support Material; will move to the process page after its review by Domain Coord Cmte

7. Template for Domain Reports to the Board - Board secretariat will propose a template for Board review and approval. Domain secretariat can review what has already been submitted. Will propose an editorial calendar and rotating schedule. Announce milestones within DCC committee. Draft list of milestones to be announced. Kevin will circulate a draft of potential milestones to announce. Review email ballot language. Procedures for email ballots can be found on process page.

8. Google Mailing Lists

Lists are being populated. Lists are open to all interested parties. The roster lists only those people that attend meetings and completed appropriate forms and are IHE members. Everyone on the ITI lists will be invited to participate in lists. When a member organization is approved the designated person will be added directly to the listserve.

9. Wiki Watch Page Email notification This function will be enabled by secretariat.

10. Supplement Template/Example

11. Identifying Annual Cycle in Supplements and other committee work product

Governance Implementation

1. Domain Board Representative Election Results

2. Committee Membership and Meeting Issues

3. Committee Rosters on Wiki

Action items: Set up protected pages for sysops to edit and move rosters to protected pages. Change configuration to Wiki so it will email notifications of changes to watched pages. Give each domain the choice of doing it by watching or protecting or both. Secretariats need to agree on the process. HIMSS wants only the secretariat to have access.

Domain Coordination Committee