IHE Domain Coordination Committee 2008-01-08 Minutes

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  • Chris Carr – RSNA
  • Micha Coleman - Cardiology Planning and Technical
  • Todd Cooper – Patient Care Devices Technical
  • Bruce Curran – Radiation Oncology
  • Didi Davis - HIMSS
  • John Donnelly - Patient Care Coordination Planning
  • Nichole Drye-Mayo – RSNA
  • Floyd Eisenberg, MD - Quality
  • Richard Kasama, MD, PhD – Patient Care Coordination Technical
  • Chris Lindop – Radiology Planning
  • Cindy Levy – Radiology Technical
  • Joan McMillen - RSNA
  • Manuel Metz – IT Infrastructure Technical
  • Steve Moore - MIR
  • Mike Nusbaum - ITI Planning
  • Kevin O’Donnell - Radiology Planning
  • Karen Witting – IT Infrastructure Technical


Website Updates

1. ihe.net Domain pages (Chris Carr)

 - Chris updated Radiology Domain page on ihe.net to serve as model for all Domain pages. 
 - Commitee reviewed and suggested changes and next steps:
   - Remove link to Wiki working documents from profile descriptions section.  
   - Make message clear that when people join the email distribution list they are not joining the committee
   Action: Chris Carr will update Radiology domain page and make similar changes to other domain pages 

2. Profile description pages and template (Chris Carr/Kevin O'Donnell)

 - Kevin O'Donnell drafted brief descriptions of Radiology profiles as model for other Domains: 
 - Develop on Committee Page 
 - Start with Profile Summary sections from the technical framework; include an explanatory graphic
 - Publishing these capsule descriptions is a requirement of IHE's Liaison D relationship with ISO
 - Supplying a brief description will become a requirement for new profiles being published: add to TF procedures doc
 Action: Chris Carr will set up a teleconference specifically to address creation of profile descriptions
 Action: Domain committee secretariat and planning committee co-chairs are to work together to 
  create a brief description for each existing profile

3. Domain Coordination Wiki Page

 - The committee Wiki page will be used for publication of all agendas, minutes and working documents going forward

Governance Implementation

1. Member Org applications

  - More than 100 applications received
  - Approval vote will take place on January 10 Interim International Board teleconference
  - Next step is to solicit Domain and National Deployment Committee applications
  Action: Sponsors develop and publish Domain and Deployment Cmte application forms

2. Board elections

  - Board elections to take place in three-phase process: Domains, National, At-large
  - Domains will be free to determine their own Board election process: consensus or formal ballot
  Action: Planning Committee Co-chairs to work with Domain Secretariat to determine Board election process

3. Impact on Domain Committee processes

  - March 1: Domain Committees will begin enforcing membership requirement for voting/participation
  Action: Board Secretariat will publish list of approved organizations and designated cmte reps
  Action: Committee Secretariat will establish and maintain roster of committee representatives on Wiki page 

4. Domain Participation in Coordination Committee and Board

  - Regular participation a requirement for Domain Co-chairs and Board Reps
  - For Coord Cmte, we can't apply same voting rights rules as Domain Committees
  - We need to propose a process to the Board to handle domains that do not comply
  - One possibility is to remove their status as active domains and refuse to recognize or publish TF docs
  Action: Chris Carr will propose draft of non-compliant domain policy

Cross-domain Coordination Activities

Items deferred to 1-22 Tcon:

  1. Roadmaps
  2. Reuse of content elements
  3. Cross-domain profile reviews

Meeting and Teleconference Schedule

  1. Current Schedule: Biweekly, Tues. 10 am CT
  2. Plan face-to-face meeting
 Face-to-face scheduled for Thursday, January 31, 7:00am at Hyatt Regency Chicago, IL