IHE DCC Documentation Work Group Teleconference Minutes 2012-04-16

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Began to review Supplement Template with CDA additions:

Discuss section X.1 - should we leave it "combined" or break out Content Modules altogether into a separate section. We went in circles a bit on this topic although we seemed to be coming back to "ok as currently presented" by the end. That, however, is still open/undetermined. Reviewed the QRPH CRD profile (with is a content profile, but RFD based, not CDA based). Karen W will work with QRPH to see if it can be made more uniform in terms of Content Creator/Consumer actors. Note that content module actors/intent/use of groupings are not documented well and tends to be "word of mouth" to the next Technical Committee, that is a real problem but probably separable from the current Supplement Template.

Plan to hold JOINT IN PERSON meeting in Chicago (ITI/QRPH/PCC (w Cardiology on webex)) on WEDNESDAY May 2nd, 3pm-5pm CT. Intent is to introduce at least the most recent version of the Supplement Template to the entire very broad group and get the chance to explain it and hopefully gain at least high level consensus. It is not the intent to do a detailed review at this meeting. Do develop next steps at this meeting.

1.) Revised CDA template plan

done: 4/10 - get solid cut (80-90% complete, send out in email), including Content Modules, of: General Introduction to the Technical Frameworks, Supplement Template

Still outstanding: App E (but not App G: NameSpace- handle that separately) Technical Framework Vol 3 shell,

4/23 - CALL STARTS AT 2pm CT - 4pm CT - continue with Supplement Template (dated Apr 10th) review 4/30 - no Doc WG call (PCC and QRPH F2F mtgs) 5/2 - current plan: JOINT ITI/QRPH/PCC/Cardiology (latter via webex) in Chicago from 3pm-5pm CT

5/7 - continue with Supplement additions/changes; if complete move to Intro, App E, and Vol 3 shell with weekly Monday calls

5/16 - is not feasible to go to PUBLIC Comment; more on that later as we progress... sigh...