HL7 Review Task Force 2008-09-25

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  • Rob Horn - Agfa
  • Chris Lindop - GE
  • Vassil Peytchev - Epic
  • Paul Seifert - Agfa
  • Chris Carr - RSNA
  • Joan McMillen - RSNA


1) ITI TF Appendix C

  • Vassil and Yongjian Bao have met and begun the work of redrafting the Appendix to address questions of compatibility between systems complying to different versions of HL7
  • Check status of redrafting work in two weeks

2) HL7 v3 Schema versioning:

  • Vassil pointed out that PCC profiles based on CDA reference schemas that are undergoing updates, extensions and bug releases
  • Are later versions strict supersets so that older documents will be compliant with newer versions of schema?
  • INRIA forge for HL7 CDA Schemas will need to be organized in "versions" referring to specific releases of the schemas
  • Vassil will track differences between schemas and provide written guidance to accompany updated schemas

3) Next call to be scheduled through email

HL7 Review Task Force