GDC Minutes 2022-05-04

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  • Participants
  • Mike Nusbaum (IHE Canada, co-Chair)
  • Charles Parisot (IHE France)
  • Christina Caraballo (IHE USA, HIMSS VP Informatics)
  • Daniel Berezeanu (IHE Canada)
  • Didi Davis (IHE USA)
  • Mathieu Bajat (France, guest speaker)
  • Alain (??)
  • John Donnelly (IHE USA)
  • Derek Ritz (IHE Canada)
  • Dewinder Bhachu (IHE UK)
  • Jiwu Zhang (IHE China)
  • Karima Bourquard (IHE France)
  • Kevin O'Donnell (IHE USA)
  • Laura Bright (IHE Canada)
  • Lapo Bertini (IHE Europe)
  • Approval of agenda - approved
  • Permission to record this session - granted

National Deployment Committees

  • Approved by the GDC for forwarding to the IHE International Board
  • Approved by the GDC for forwarding to the IHE International Board

Special Presentation

  • Title: "The France National Image Sharing Project" (
  • Speaker: Mathieu Bajat, head of the Imaging Sharing for the France National project
  • Abstract: Mathieu has agreed to present the French project and its advancement. This project builds upon the National document sharing infrastructure (Dossier Medical Personnel) to add the imaging reports and examinations. The use cases supported, the deployment incentives and the technical architecture will be discussed.
  • Slide Deck

Future Presentations and tentative schedule 2022

  • Jun(EU/Asia): <Topic tbd> (Yasunari Shiokawa)
  • Jul (Asia/US): tbd
  • Aug (US/EU): tbd
  • Sep(EU/Asia): <Topic tbd, Digital Health in China> (Jiwu Zhang)
  • Oct (Asia/US): tbd
  • Nov (US/EU): tbd
  • Dec(EU/Asia): tbd

Global Consortium for eHealth Interoperability Update

  • Status (if time permits)

Open Forum (informal information sharing)

Other business

Next meeting

  • Wednesday, June 1, 2022, 02:00-3:00am CT (EU/Asia friendly time)

Global Deployment Coordination Committee